Hi all.
As many of you may have noticed, there's a bit of lag with the mailing
lists every so often. This is just a test message for diagnostic
purposes. Sorry for the spam.
- deb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Hi all.
I'm thinking about writing a "New User's Guide to Linux" (to be released
under an appropriate open-content license, of course :).
I'm hacking together an outline for it at the moment, and I would like
to know what you think such a Guide should include. Input from users of
all experien
> Whether this is covered elsewhere, I don't know, since I haven't actually
> looked for it yet, but I think that an explanation of the directory
> structure, including what should (and shouldn't) go in each directory,
> where things can be found on a typical system, etc., would be terribly
> help
Ingrid Schupbach wrote:
> Ack.
> I have spent the past hour trying to figure out how to give myself more
> font options in gimp. Currently I only have 4 fonts. I went to gimp.org
> and downloaded a big file of fonts, and I unzipped and untarred it, but I
> have no clue where to put it. Do
> I had major problems with the Gnome/Enlightenment/Netscape combos.
> Switching to KDE fixed 90% of them.
I think that's a bit drastic for a browser problem, really.
I've got RH6.0, using GNOME and Enlightenment, on a PII-333 w/128Mb RAM
(my laptop). I run NS Communicator 4.51 not only for web
Hi all.
As some of you may know, I run another open-source related project
called the Open Source Writers Group (http://www.oswg.org). If I seem a
little distant at times, it's probably because I'm drowning in a sea of
markup and writing :)
Many people in LinuxChix are extremely knowledgable wh
Subba Rao wrote:
> Hello
> I have written a mini-HOWTO document for installing Qmail on linux.
> The URL is:
> http://pws.prserv.net/truemax/OS/Qmail.html
> Hope this helps interested newbies.
Hi Subba.
I was wondering if you might be interested in including your HOWTO in
> Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 14:09:09 +1100
> Subject: our project management system
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.6i
> We (ie my company) are putting togethe
Hi all.
I hate to have to do this, but it seems like it's time for the "friendly
reminder" again.
While there are only two posting guidelines for the LinuxChix lists ( 1.
Be Friendly, 2. Be Helpful ), there are some more general guidelines
that should be followed when posting to a mailing list.
Another cross-posting since this is relevant to all three lists...again,
apologies to folks who get this multiple times.
> I'm volunteering to start a FAQ for the lists. I won't necessarily start
> it right away, or post it right away.
Understandable :) I'm hip-deep in
Note: I'm crossposting this to grrltalk, issues, and techtalk because
telsa brings up some important points which could have an effect on all
these lists. Apologies to everyone who gets this message more than
Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> But since this is techtalk, and since we seem to be discu
> From: Di Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linux?
> In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> I have a question...
> I have a compaq presario lapt
Just in time for Christmas! LinuxChix tshirts are now available for
purchase from our good friends over at http://www.thinkgeek.com.
Available in both regular and women's styles, and a full range of
sizes. Currently regular are only available in black, and women's in
black or white.
Get 'em wh
> Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 14:09:14 -0500
> From: Caitlyn Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: NetFerrets
> Subject: Re: [techtalk] Fwd: jokes!
> IMHO, this is not appropriate (and way off topic) for techtalk. I get enough
> garbage in my inbox now, and if I want mo
> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 20:16:13 -0600 (CST)
> From: Di Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linux?
> I have a question...
> I have a compaq presario laptop, which came with a dvd player, and the
> copy of windows + programs (junk) that comes
Folks, we all make mistakes. Please let this issue drop now, thanks.
- deb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
When I first set up these lists, I set the configuration so that any
su*bscription or un*su*bscription request that was sent to the actual
lists would be bounced to my inbox, rather than sent to all of you.
That was all well and good.
Some stuff on the server that hosts LinuxChix.org has recentl
Tech Docs wrote:
I haven't the time to really investigate this in any detail (and I'm on
a totally sucky connection at the moment, so downloads are painful). I
strongly recommend that everyone verify that these copies are legal
before downloading anything. Check the copyright and licensing, and
ficantly and deserve
to be recognized in some way, wander over to Slashdot and make your
nominations. Nominations close on Jan 16th or 17th.
Here's the relevant URL
- deb
Deb Richardson, Executive Editor
Linuxcare, Inc.
tel: 613.562.9723,
rsonally become involved, or if you want to (or would) mention
> this on the linuxchiq lists, but I would appreciate whatever you could
> do to help.
> Hope you had a wonderful New Year,
> -Erik
> --
> Nobody cares if you can't dance wel
, is it clear (from docs?) how big each partition should be?
> If I later want to try out VMWare, should I do something at this point
> so it will fit somewhere reasonable?
> Thanks,
> Kathy
Deb Richardson, Executive Editor
Linuxcare, Inc.
tel: 613.562.9723, fax: 613.562.9304
> I've got this way cool (if I do say so myself :-) project underway
> (http://user-mode-linux.sourceforget.net) and the answer to all of these
> questions is "no".
Jeff (and anyone), if your project is in need of documentation folk,
feel free to register over at the Ope
t; for linux, the gender speficic issues of linux etc.
> greetings from berlin
> /pit
> (sorry, male :)
> ps.
> if you like to announce your site and lists on
> our mailinglist, just send a message to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] / http://www.nettime.org
Hi all.
As some of you know, LinuxChix is one of the two Open Source-related
projects I coordinate. The other is the Open Source Writers Group.
I've been working on a new OSWG website, and it has just recently gone
into the beta testing phase.
I would appreciate it if the folks on these lists
Just so all the new folks know...introductions should only be posted to
grrltalk. I get to crosspost stuff 'cuz I run the place ;)
- deb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Hi all.
Just so you know, Linuxcare is offering to provide free stuff for the
upcoming Linux Demo Day (Feb 17th). They have tshirts, bootable
business cards (expert-level Linux on a business-card sized CD...they're
quite neat), plus white papers describing Open Source, etc.
If you're interested
Deb Richardson, Executive Editor
Linuxcare, Inc.
tel: 613.562.9723, fax: 613.562.9304
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.linuxcare.com
Linuxcare. Support for the Revolution.
hopefully this will work
"Anyone who sees his own occupation merely as a means of earning money
degrades it; but he that sees in it a service to mankind ennobles both
his labor and himself."
- Abbott Lawrence Lowell, 1930s
dez wrote:
> >>Your posting (Subject: "multiple xservers") has been sent to the
> moderator ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]") for approval. When the
> moderator approves the posting, it will be automatically distributed
> to the group.>>
This is _really really really_ odd. Under no circumstances should th
Hi again all.
Well, we're still not entirely sure what happened to break the lists,
but it appears that they're slowly but surely coming back to life.
Thanks a million to everyone who has volunteered to help in various
ways. I really appreciate it :)
The lists are now being managed by a new an
just (hopefully) a final check
techtalk mailing list
Here's the deal:
The LinuxChix lists are now managed by a system called "mailman" instead
of majordomo. They are also hosted on a new system. All of this is
good. On the other hand, some stuff has changed.
The list of stuff that has changed and how this effects you is available
on the front
had a few notes that this list wasn't working (foo), so just trying to
track down the problem.
- deb
techtalk mailing list
Deb Richardson wrote:
> had a few notes that this list wasn't working (foo), so just trying to
> track down the problem.
This officially gets filed as a "works for me" bug :)
If anyone has any problems with any of the lists, please let me know...I
think I've ir
It appears that someone has subscribed techtalk to a moderated list at
egroups.com. It also appears to be a private list, because I cannot
find any information about it at egroups.com. I've tried emailing the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] owner, but have received no response.
I will do everything in my pow
Just so everyone knows...any @linuxchix.org addresses (other than mine)
do not currently work. I totally forgot about that part when I changed
hosts (sorry!) This will be fixed tomorrow (I'd fix it now, but my
sys.admin has gone to bed already :)
sorry sorry sorry
(mental note: better planning
hoo hoo.
- deb
techtalk mailing list
Just goes to show that I really shouldn't try to do administrative stuff
when it's this far past my bedtime. The list works now...error on my
part. There is still one small configuration thing, but it doesn't
currently stop the list from working and we'll sort that bit out
Hi all...
You know that mailing list I just mentioned? Well...there appear to be
some configuration problems, and the gentleman who is responsible for
the administration of that has already toddled off to bed.
So, the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list doesn't work yet, but I'll send a
note when it is. So
Hi all...
Earlier today I sent out a "call for volunteers" (to grrltalk and
announce, I forgot to include techtalk) asking for people to help with
the LinuxChix website and mailing list maintenance tasks. A fair number
of people have already contacted me about wanting to help. Rather than
me tr
Greetings and happy weekend all.
As many of you probably noticed, the Linuxchix mailing lists were down
for a few days this week. This is because our good and friendly systems
administrators discovered that there was a potential security hole in
the list software we use, and security holes are B
Just so no one thinks I've wandered off and completely abandoned the
website, here's an update:
1) My "call for volunteers" has been successful, and my efforts to
delegate some of the basic maintenance tasks are proving successful :)
2) I'm in the process of completely rebuilding the site
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