Just a thought that occurred to me based on a recent research side-trip...
ADV is the subject header some states are requiring (or attempting to
require) on mass advertising (SPAM) email. I was about to add a
filter to looking for and corralling posts containing "ADV " in the
subject. Perhaps o
Another alternative is DemoLinux. It can be (and is) run completely
from CD-ROM.
There's some linkage at http://linux.davecentral.com/5916_sysutildist.html
Or visit their homepage http://www.demolinux.org
Hoping this doesn't post twice again or Cliff will razz me. ;)
>Date: Wed, 21 Mar
Hehehe ...to avoid those uncomfortable moments months later when they
say "OK, now we want to add X and put this baby live on the
Internet"? And the programmers reply "Uhh... couldn't you have told
us this 'before' we did it all with UDP instead of TCP"?
>Jenn V said:
Couldn't help but respond with an example of how the methodologies
look from where I sit. This is, of course, just the way things happen
in my group... but I'd be surprised if it's not a fairly common
During time period A a project comes across my desk. Help identify
and validate
Title: Re: Running Apache as Root.
Pitfalls abound and security holes can be multitudinous. (that
sound scary enough? LOL)
TheĀ Apache server generally is run by root. The User
directive is used from there to set "who" serves up content.
Running the server as a user other than root can (will) cau
Ack! Bad BiOFH... BAD! I haven't read this list in ages...
But, I saw this and wanted to send out a little caveat to you that
may or may not apply (depending on how the server is set up).
Depending on how and if the web server in question handles symlinks,
(Options ->FollowSymLinks or