Makiko Itoh wrote:
> Are there any I could throw, er, communicate to him
> (something about security would be nice) that would be a good argument
> for not setting up a procmail script just for him?
How about 'you're not paying me enough to take up the amount of
time you've already taken. I
>How about 'you're not paying me enough to take up the amount of time
>you've already taken. In fact, you're not paying me at all, and your
>buddy isn't paying me enough'.
hehe. I like that. Well I didn't put it just like that but have
politely told him he can have forwarding but not the other
Can anyone suggest where I can go to find out more about backup strategies?
I have Linux on two machines, and Windows NT on another. I was thinking of
backing up the Windows machine using SMB mounted directories. The hardware
I'm using is a Seagate 24 GB Scorpion DAT drive running off of an Ada
Title: RE: [techtalk] Backup strategy
In my last job I used the free Linux version of Arkeia (
It worked well. Also the documentation is well written.
-Original Message-
From: jennyw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 2
You might also want to check out bru
I think the personal edition is still free. Also you might want to read
the GNU tar manual at which has more info
than the man page. Also are you getting an error message when tar
Title: RE: [techtalk] Backup strategy
Thanks! It occurs to me that one of
my problems may be that device is just not installed properly. Is there some
place I can go to find out more about installing SCSI tape devices?
It just seems strange that tar works a
little bit and then dies. I mea