Re: [techtalk] Kleopatra -- what replaces kmenuedit?

2000-08-02 Thread tami
KDE is NOT free software! GNOME/HELIX IS! Check out the latest stuff by the Helix guys - its awesome and they're making gnu improvements every day. I have rarely met a more talented (and NICE) bunch of programmers! .Tami .signature: syntax error at line 1: `

Re: [techtalk] Kleopatra -- what replaces kmenuedit?

2000-08-02 Thread curious
The "free" or "lack of freeness" of KDE is a question you'll probably want to come to your own conclusions on... however there is lots of guidance on this matter... Joseph Carter on why debian doesn't include KDE: Eirik Eng (president and co-fo

Re: [techtalk] Kleopatra -- what replaces kmenuedit?

2000-08-02 Thread cmcanally
I usually don't care or think much about liscense issues. Could someone explain simply the controversy with the KDE? The articles sited assume everyone's familiar with them, and I'm too lazy to look'em up. Chris McAnally /**/ /* Student Contractor at

[techtalk] KDE / OpenSource

2000-08-02 Thread Caitlyn M. Martin
Hi, > KDE is NOT free software! GNOME/HELIX IS! I completely disagree. So does ESR, for that matter. KDE does meet the Open Source definition, and I happen to accept ESR's opinion on it. Now, if you are saying the LGPL is not "Free" as defined by Richard Sta1lman, then perhaps you are corr

[techtalk] Newbie in Need of Help!

2000-08-02 Thread wny-tc
First off, hello to all on the list. This is my first post. My name is Keith, and I am located in the Depths of the Great Bergen Swamps in Western NY (near Rochester, NY) I have been wanting to install Linux for ages it seems, and learn how to use it in lieu of the WinDoz packages of whatever

Re: [techtalk] KDE / OpenSource

2000-08-02 Thread Nicole Morissette
On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, Caitlyn M. Martin wrote: > > KDE is NOT free software! GNOME/HELIX IS! > > Now, if you are saying the LGPL is not "Free" as defined by Richard > Sta1lman, then perhaps you are correct. The fact that I often disagree with > his point of view may have something to do with

Re: [techtalk] KDE / OpenSource

2000-08-02 Thread Dan Nguyen
Hi Caitlyn, On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 04:59:13PM -0400, Caitlyn M. Martin wrote: > > KDE is NOT free software! GNOME/HELIX IS! > > I completely disagree. So does ESR, for that matter. KDE does meet the > Open Source definition, and I happen to accept ESR's opinion on it. Free is a terrible wo

Re: [techtalk] KDE / OpenSource

2000-08-02 Thread Caitlyn M. Martin
Hi, Dan > > Make sure to try Gnome 1.2, (use sawfish not E) if you have not > already. However when comparing Gnome and KDE, they are very > diffrent. My opinion about both products that they are bloated, and > designed to hold a newbie's hand. Gnome does less of this, than KDE. Please underst

Re: [techtalk] KDE / OpenSource

2000-08-02 Thread Dan Nguyen
Hello Caitlyn (again :) On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 10:13:23PM -0400, Caitlyn M. Martin wrote: > In order to sell to this client, I had to make Linux > non-threatening, which I sucessfully did. So... the solution? > Caldera OpenLinux eDesktop 2.4 and KDE/kwm. I realize that combo > makes some puri

Re: [techtalk] KDE / OpenSource

2000-08-02 Thread joey tsai
This is the situation between KDE and QT, as interpreted by Debian. Troll Tech's QT library can be redistributed QT if it's unchanged and along with the QT license. However, KDE, is under GPL. It states that if you link GPLed KDE code against the QT library and distribute it, you must distribut