On Mon, 6 Mar 2000 14:25:01 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>Hey Snarf, If that a ref. to pinky/brain, right on!
Actually, "snarfblat" is probably a reference to The Little Mermaid.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Thanks to all who replied...
This was actually for a friend of mine, as I am still on 56k (they must
enjoy tormenting me with delayed ADSL deployment dates..)
It appears that the disconnect and reconnect works for two machines..
although he might try using IP masq since getting multiple IP's
Hey Snarf,
If that a ref. to pinky/brain, right on! About your DHCP, I'm going to
start with a few dumb questions. Do you have eth0 setup to grab a DHCP
addr? are you running pump? and how are you going about setting up the
DHCP enabled interface?
Usually, you can run something like Linuxconf to
[didn't see the original post...]
>Anyone have any experience with using multiple boxes on a single cable
>modem configured for DHCP?
>There is a Win box that is able to configure and connect fine. however a
>linux box attached to the same cable modem will not work. No ip is
>assigned, and no
You need to configure the box as a masquerading gateway to your subnet.
You will need to configure the DHCP client. There are a number of tools
for that available (pump I believe is a DHCP client configuration tool),
do not bother with Linuxconf. Some cable modems allow the use of a
static IP. For
Woohoo, finally a techtalk question I know about :) Not sure if it works
different with different providers, but this is what I did with Roadrunner.
Unplug your cable modem and release all IPs from machines (and make sure
they're all set for DHCP... that was my big boo-boo when I couldn't get it