I just installed "SpamDunk," a procmail filter which does a good job of
blocking most spam. You can get it at
http://www.interlog.com/~waltdnes/spamdunk/sixpack.htm It does Real Time
Black Hole filtering as well as filtering mail sent directly from dail-up
accounts (99% of which is spam). A
I have some notes on how to do this with sendmail although the last time i
actually added something on was a little while ago...
in your sendmail dir (/etc/mail on my system) edit either the "deny" or
"access" files. the access file we have here has entries, for users and
domains, that go like
> If you are using exim, it's dead easy (which was wonderful when I
> suddenly had to learn this immediately to stop a barrage of unwanted
> email shooting down my modem..):
telsa's comments are for exim versions before 3.00
In 3.x all the reject options were rolled int
On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 07:45:50AM -0700 or thereabouts, Allen Heinecke wrote:
> I have question on mail.
> How do I block or autodelete all mail from a specific domain or email
> address?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you in advance :)
> -Lone
For MTAs:
If you ar
I have question on mail.
How do I block or autodelete all mail from a specific domain or email
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance :)
Version: 3.1
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