Stephan Zaniolo wrote:
> I'm sorry to re-post this, but it's very difficult working in Gnome
> without "double click" support. I'm sure it's a stupid configuration
> problem somewhere
I don't use a desktop much but When in Gnome I have found
frequent non-response to double clicks. T
Thank you to Luke & Linda. proves you are never too old to
learn something new if you ask the right people.
Kind of wish I didn't learn about the Win option. Now five
years worth of ranting was for nothing. I guess I figured
the option, if it existed would be in Explorer. I had
assumed the check
One of the things which annoyed me most about DOS-Windows
was the asking whether you really do want to delete a file.
Of course I wanted to delete it or I wouldn't have pressed
the stupid button. Did I ever delete a file by mistake? Yes
of course but I am sure I never stopped on the second window