Re: [techtalk] Linux for Kids???

2000-04-06 Thread Renata
hing, though, > because I recently reformatted the drive with Windows on it, and can't get > the sucker back on. arrgghh! besides, the drive went sour, and I'm gonna > buy a new one as soon as my next paycheck comes. :) > Liz Ren

[techtalk] linux on mac hardware

2000-01-03 Thread Renata
Hello all, and happy New Year. Soon I'm going to get a Mac G3 into my collection of old (and not only) hardware. Since I love so much debian, and not ready to trade in linux for Mac OS, I was wondering what linux distributions would run on mac hardware. Renata [

Re: [techtalk] resolution

1999-11-13 Thread Renata
er it has changed nothing, till later I discovered that after upgrade the XF86Config file was in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config (and /etc/X11/XF86Config), and I had to edit _that_ file. Good luck, Renata [EMAIL PROTECTED]