Ok, I set up everything for my internet connection. Perfect. But now...the
modem won't initialize.
When I try to use wvdial, it spits out:
-->Cannot open /dev/ttyS1: Input/output error
Not very helpful at first...but then with minicom, when I press M (to
initialize modem), it says "You are
*from lurkerdom*
Hi all, my name's Elizabeth. I'm somewhat of a newbie to Linux, and new to
the list as well.
I've finally gotten a new hard drive, and installed Redhat 6.1. Now it's
time to connect to the internet! I already have a provider...but I need to
know how to set it all up. I don
Sheryl Weidner wrote:
>[lurk mode off]
>For those of you who still wrestle with having both a Windows box and a
>Linux box - and who vastly prefer the latter for everything but one or two
>applications - I have been doing some contracting work with a company that
>has a pretty reasonable soluti
> > Regrettably, I am quite addicted to my Windows box. Primarily for Adobe
> > Photoshop and Photodeluxe, as well as my scanner, and the wide range of
> > available for it and NOT Linux. :(
>as someone else said: try the GIMP instead of Photoshop, especially the
>developer versions are