Since you were all so wonderfully helpful on the "Netscape goes *poof*"
problem, :)
Just for fun, I am test driving for a few days a friend's Palm IIIx. I'd really
like to see if I can't get it up and running and cooperating with Linux.
When I tried to install the software for it (hope y
Sure 'nough. Turning off Java and JavaScript did the trick. (Shouldn't such
quirks be ironed out by now?!) I wish I had asked much sooner, as it would
have saved me lots of aggravation! Thanks for the tip!
techtalk mailing list
In Netscape, when I go to certain pages, it (Netscape) goes *poof* (shuts
down). I don't begin to know where to look to figure out why. All my
settings are default settings, except that I enlarged the font size. Any ideas,
Thanks for the help. Believe it or not, I have RTFM, and the relevant parts in
Running Linux. (Maybe I need to read them again, eh? I have not been too keen
on Running Linux. It seemed to me to far too often read something like "you
can do great things with XYZ, but we don't have space to tel
Someone please tell me there exists an explanation of file and directory
permissions that will make them make sense! I keep thinking that I understand
them, but then I find myself in a tangle that I am sure is caused by improper
permissions. (I am still -- after three months or so -- trying to
Will someone please clue me in on the "core" files that show up in
many of my directories. What are they? Where do they come from?
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