To unsubscribe, please send a blank email to:
and reply to the confirmation message. If you have any trouble, please
contact me off-list:
On 2/24/2011 7:08 AM, Brian J Hubbard wrote:
> Hi All,
> Sorry for asking something perha
e we as moderators should not have to
> remind you of the list rules and who are the moderators.
> There are new members so here is the list of official
> moderators:
> 1. Len Burns
> 2. Neil Barnfather
> 3. Stephen Giggar
> 4. Brad Keller
> The list moderators
I use Joikuspot which can be found at:
On 8/21/2011 4:25 AM, Bernard Hemmings wrote:
> As walking hotspot seems to be no longer available can someone please
> provide a link to it's competitor or if it's on blindsea then the name
> will do as I'll visit blindsea and fol
I should have this blocked shortly.
On 9/19/2011 4:23 PM, Doug-Sloan (Melbourne) wrote:
> Hi
> Yep many of them
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of chris hallsworth
> Sent: Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Excuse me, but this issue was addressed within 30 minutes of the time it
was brought to my attention. Because of the way my mail is screened, I
was unaware of the problem until this afternoon.
TALKS List Manager
On 9/19/2011 5:59 PM, Kit wrote:
> Yap, since yesterday or few days a
I like it! It intuitively fits as well as falling in line with some of
what I have been reading. The reason is that you are using elements
where data is a discrete unit, such as a license id. You are using
attribs where they describe characteristics of an element, i.e. the
search. I can
The list is temporarily on moderated status until I am certain this is
cleared. It is actually not spam, rather it is some one with a poorly
designed autoresponder. I have set the user to nomail so this will not
continue. I will email him and let him know the reasons. Please do not
Stephen just notified me via a text that the list appeared to be down.
A quick investigation indicated that this was indeed the case. The
server was moved several days ago and apparently when it shut down the
mailman control process did not exit properly. It then failed to
restart when the
This kind of activity is out of line with the purpose of this list and
will not be tolerated. The list is moderated until further notice from
the mods and actions will be taken to prevent such activity in the future.
TALKS List Moderator/manager
My apologies for that information not being visible. I will fix the
problem in the footer and the web page a bit later, but for now:
will reach all four of us.
On 7/5/2012 1:24 PM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
> It's frequently found on the info page, th
As you noticed, Maheen resubscribed himself under a different email
address and posted a message to the list. While I find this irritating,
without the responses from other list members, he would quickly tire of
stirring up the pot and go to cause trouble elsewhere.
The mess in situations
First things first. To remove oneself from the list there are several
options. The easiest is to do the following:
send a blank email to
You will receive a confirmation request. You *MUST* reply to this
request. You need only hit reply and send. You should
What is neither appreciated nor called for is swearing at the entire
list because you are frustrated. If you want to yell at me privately,
feel free, although it is not likely to get you a more rapid response.
A useful thing to remember, for nearly all list management software, is
that if you send
Subscriptions are open, with a qualification. Because of past issues
involving a couple of problem users, if I see a sub that looks in any
way suspect I place it on moderated status until I can verify it. This
is a nuisance, but a necessary step.
TALKS List Manager
On 9/1/2012 4:2
Yes, he slipped back onto the list. And, he is now gone. Yes, the
gentlemen does stir up an unpleasant fuss.
On the other hand, every person reading this email has a delete key. If
you hit delete rather than reply, you ruin all his fun. If you send
email to the mods rather than the li
Maheen has ruined nothing, he is long gone. If he pops up again, we
will again remove him under his new mail address. I suggest that we
move on with the purpose of the list.
On 9/17/2012 11:28 AM, angie loves alex wrote:
> Its a shame maheen ruined this list
> -
Or, alternatively send a blank email to:
and reply to the confirmation message.
I would encourage you to remain if Maheen's behavior is your reason for
departure. It is unfortunate when people give one person the power to
ruin a community.
On 9/17
Hi all,
I am making sure the list is behaving correctly, please do not respond.
Talks mailing list
Hosting of this list provided courtesy of:
eHosting Limited: h
Good morning all,
This is a friendly reminder that this list is for the purpose of discussing
the TALKS software and related matters. Please limit topics to those
falling within these guidelines. Thank you, and have a great weekend.
TALKS List Manager
To remove yourself from the list please do the following:
Send a blank email to
Within a few moments you should receive a confirmation email. Reply to this
email and you should receive a message confirming you have been removed from
the list. If this does not work
Hi all,
This is one of your friendly list managers making sure the list is behaving.
Sorry for any bother.
Talks mailing list
Hosting of this list provided court
I will be taking the list off-line at 9 PM Pacific time tonight, May 23, to
move it to its new, much faster server. I will have it off-line until
shortly after 1 AM Pacific. I will send out a test message when it is back
up. I am not expecting any trouble, but if you notice something unusu
Hi All,
I am still smoothing out a few bumps, but the list appears to be up and
running on its new server. Many thanks to the fine folks at Ehosting
support for timing the transition so carefully.
Talks mailing list
We are back up and running. A server upgrade misbehaved, followed by some
tangles resulting from the server living in the UK while I live on the
Central Coast of California. Many thanks go out to the good folks at
eHosting for their persistence in long-distance sorting. Nothing was lost
To subscribe to the list send a blank email to:
and follow the instructions in the confirmation email. If they have
difficulties, they are welcome to email me directly:
-Original Message-
From: Talks [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers
This is your rarely heard from admin who handles the server side of the
list, along with a few other details. Tomorrow around 11 PM UK time the
server will be off-line for a few hours while the company moves to a new
data center. If you send mail to the list during this time, it will be
The server is back up in its new location. All looks normal as of the moment.
Talks mailing list
Hosting of this list provided courtesy of:
eHosting Limited: ht
We have decided it is time to close down this list. There is no longer
sufficient activity to justify the time and resources to maintain it. I will
take it off-line at midnight GMT, at the close of May. I will keep the main
list address forwarded to me for a while to catch any stragglin
There is a nomail option. To control this and a variety of other list
options go to:
Find the edit box below the following text:
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