Hello everyone:
I downloaded Skype from the BlindSea web site and installed it on my Nokia N86.
However, I cannot seem to be able to connect my N86 to my Skype account.
Help needed please.
Thanks in anticipation
Dave Durber
Talks mai
Not doable. Skype has turned off the support for Symbian skype and all old
version that use that protocol. Sorry about that. That is why Skype doesn’t
work on Symbian phones. This has probably been like this for at least a year
give or take a few months.
Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-
Hello everyone:
The other day, I downloaded Skype from the BlindSea web site and installed it
on my N86.
I already have a Skype account.
I set up my N86 to connect with my home router. Everything went smoothly with
that and I can connect to the internet with my N86.
However, When I try to con
The server is back up in its new location. All looks normal as of the moment.
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