Can anyone please tell me what is a good bluetooth keyboard to use with
Symbian phone and Talks.
Talks mailing list
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I use a Rocketfish BT Keyboard; it's full-sized, so not intended to be
Composed on a Dell Latitude 630 in the general vicinity of my Audio
Recording and Mixing Studios, San Francisco Bay Area.
- Original Message -
From: "Eleanor Burke"
To: "Talks Mailing List"
Sent: Wed
Hi everyone,
Just was wondering, if anyone knows if TeleNav was compatible with Talks, and
if so, is it free to use like Ovi Maps?
I pulled it up on my E73, and it asked, did I want to connect via the Internet,
I said yes. But now I can't tell if I exited out, because all Talks is saying
I go to "https://ebanking.bankofcyprus.gr/"; and logging to my account
But after selecting the link "Account information/activity", don't know
if the page loads, keeps saying "PT Nav Frame CRef with up and down
arrow keys and quick keys don't work!
Why is this happening? Is it a prob
Hi Eleanor, it would be nice to know if you want a portable bluetooth
keyboard or a larger one. I used nokia su8w, that's a portable keyboard but
I had some problmes with it. Maybe you can find better portable keyboards
nowadays. I bought this one about 4 years ago.
Regards, Paulo
- Origi