e7 has qwerty keyboard. N8has touch screen only.
-original message-
Subject: Re: [Talks] need information on the latest nokia s60v5 phone
workingnicely with talks
From: austin pinto
Date: 25/03/2011 7:36 AM
but i was told that e7 has a quarty keybord does it have? And is n8
better then e7
>> - Original Message -----
>> From: "austin pinto"
>> To: "sunilsangtani" ; "accessindia"
>> ; "Talks Mailing List"
>> ; "The Accessible Phones Discussion List"
>> ; "Voice Vision."
>> ; &qu
Message -
From: "austin pinto"
To: "Talks Mailing List"
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 14:28
Subject: Re: [Talks] need information on the latest nokia s60v5 phone
workingnicely with talks
hi what hapends on the home screen of symbian^3 with talks is it not
accessable with
; HTH.
> --
> Allan (WKF)
> - Original Message -
> From: "austin pinto"
> To: "sunilsangtani" ; "accessindia"
> ; "Talks Mailing List"
> ; "The Accessible Phones Discussion List"
> ; "Voice Vis
; "Voice Vision."
; "access uk"
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 12:35
Subject: [Talks] need information on the latest nokia s60v5 phone workingnicely
with talks
hi all i wanted to go for a new phone im told that symbian^3 is not
fully accessable with talks if any1 is u