Re: [Talks] A Disturbing Notice

2014-08-09 Thread Sam
I am with t-mobile, and they have not yet done it to me. Thank goodness. This will be sad if that's the way things are going. Anyone else have this happen from other phone carriers? Sam - Original Message - From: "Stephen Giggar" That doesn't shock me! Ques

[Talks] n86 and notetaker braille display

2014-02-28 Thread Sam
Hello, I have an n86 with talks and I was wondering if anyone has used an apex or BrailleSensePlus as a braille display with it. What do I need to do to get it to work? Sam ___ Talks mailing list

[Talks] n86 and apex

2014-02-25 Thread Sam
Does anyone know if the apex braille display works with an n86? Thanks, Sam ___ Talks mailing list Hosting of this list provided courtesy of: eHosting Limited: http

Re: [Talks] talks and a n86

2013-04-10 Thread Sam
Did that last night. No dice. Sam - Original Message - From: "Mario Forte" Try turning off the phone, then take the battery out and leave it out for 3-5 minutes. Then put it bak in the phone and turn it on. When i have these sort of issues where the phone seems

Re: [Talks] talks and a n86

2013-04-10 Thread Sam
I haven't had it that long, that's the sad part of it. It shouldn't be having these problems. Sam - Original Message - From: "Gary Ray" Gary Ray here. Don't know if this will be of any help. My N 86 is starting to show age. One of the first thin

Re: [Talks] talks and a n86

2013-04-10 Thread Sam
I'll try all this later and let you know. Good suggestions. If these don't work, I'm thinking of letting someone take it apart. Has anyone sent one of these in to have it fixed? Do they even work on them any more? Sam - Original Message - From: "Brad K

Re: [Talks] talks and a n86

2013-04-09 Thread Sam
Yep, Did it. It will let me hit the end call and even respond. It's just the buttons you use to dile the phone won't respond. It's like there locked even when I manually unlock it. Sam - Original Message - From: "Hung Kee Seng" Try pressing the e

Re: [Talks] talks and a n86

2013-04-09 Thread Sam
, I still couldn't get the keypad to react. Sam - Original Message - From: "Hung Kee Seng" Hi, you may have activated the image mode. Check the camera door and see whether is open or close Kee Seng God is good all the time! all the time God is good! - O

[Talks] talks and a n86

2013-04-09 Thread Sam
h the side switch, it won't dial any numbers. The phone has not gotten wet or anything, so I don't understand what's going on. Any chance that if it was slid open a little in my purse, something could have been pressed to make the phone pad not respond? Nonworking phones

[Talks] looking for phone with talks on it.

2012-11-12 Thread Sam
Hello, If anyone is looking to sell a good condition n86 with Talks and Knfb reader, I have a buyer for you. I hope this is not to off topic for this list since they want talks on it. Sam ___ Talks mailing list http

Re: [Talks] submitting suggestions for the next release withbugfixes?

2011-07-15 Thread sam
I have been wanting to pair a braille display with my n86. I was told that Talks does not yet have the ability to read in grade two. Is this true? Sam - Original Message - From: "Bharat" Subject: Re: [Talks] submitting suggestions for the next release withbugfixes?