[OSM-talk-fr] vending_machine=yes in France

2014-07-13 Par sujet Andreas Goss
I'm cleaning up vending and saw that vending_machine=yes was used in some places in France: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/4am 1. amenity=bicycle_rental I don't see the point. The tag itself already indicates the difference to shop=bicycle+service:bicycle:rental=yes 2. public_transport Probably i

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] vending_machine=yes in France

2014-07-13 Par sujet Andreas Goss
1. amenity=bicycle_rental The good tag is vending=yes, rent process not available at all station. It's more clear in french translation http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:amenity=bicycle_rental I don't speak French so this is what google gives me: "yes for stations that have a possibili

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] vending_machine=yes in France

2014-07-20 Par sujet Andreas Goss
and milk The food and drink tags are the one I didn't really touch yet or let's say later realized it was pretty complicated. The problem is that if you look in taginfo you see a lot of different vending machines for some kind of food/drink products. This would result in a lot of different

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [Tagging] Deprecation of associatedStreet-relations

2015-01-25 Par sujet Andreas Goss
Bref une nouvelle relation encore peu utilisée veut remplacer une relation ancienne; sans réel changement fonctionnel. If google translate got this right... no we don't want to replace it with another relation, we just want to use addr:street. Maybe you in France have access to government dat