2010/5/15 Jonas Minnberg :
> Is it OK to use information you find on map-signs next to streets or
> suburban areas?
I think it depends. IMO you should check FOP in your country
2010/5/15 Chris Hill :
> Why not walk / cycle / drive a
I moved old orphanage draft to RFC, feel free to comment.
Paweł Marynowski
Tagging mailing list
2010/5/27 John Smith :
> Can we use some other key instead of yet another amenity=*?
> In fact there is so many amenities we should perhaps think about
> splitting them off into other categories...
Sounds like a good idea.
There is also another proposal: residental home
2010/5/28 Roy Wallace :
> Right idea, but from my perspective landuse=* shouldn't be used to
> describe an individual feature (like an orphanage), but to describe
> the use of an area of land. If you want to do tiered tags like this
> you'd use something more like amenity=residential_home +
> resid
Although voting should be ended last year ;) most of votes were added
after vote end. So I think it's finally time to end the voting: I'll
close it after weekend. If someone want to vote, please do it asap.
I'm wondering how to tag sedimentation tank at a sewage treatment. I'm
thinking about 'landuse=reservoir' + 'man_made=sedimentation_tank'.
Here's a photo of sedimentation tanks:
Paweł Marynowski
2010/6/3 pavithran :
> There are many shops which repair automobiles ie motorbikes or motorcycles .
> Motor cycles have been underrated. There is a need for a tag which
> deals with motorcycle repair in the developing world where they are in
> huge numbers .
Well maybe something like shop=vehicle_
2010/6/6 pavithran :
> Sorry for that . I thought a page with status = not defined might be
> the correct way . I have created pages for motorcycle shop and
> motorcycle repair . Should have created a proposal page also for them
I moved page to http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/
2010/6/7 John Smith :
> On 7 June 2010 03:57, John Smith wrote:
>> In this case I'm guessing you could probably extend the existing
>> marketplace tag with a sub-tag, rather than a new key/value pair, eg:
>> amenity=marketplace
>> marketplace=bazaar
> I was nudged to expand my comment a littl
Hi, I'm searching for tag for a slag heap (strictly, something that
Germans call Halde):
Hi, I just saw this[1] edit and I wonder is this tag established? I
also don't like value of this tag, imo too long which may cause
Paweł Marynowski
2010/6/14 John Smith :
> +1 maybe power=station should be the power stations and instead of
> using sub-station just use power=transformer...
Good idea. However for me, as non native English speaker,
power=generator is also obvious.
Tagging mailing
2010/6/14 John Smith :
> In a power station there could be lots of generators...
Sure, but who knows where they are? ;)
Anyway, I can create a proposal page with 'power' tags update.
Tagging mailing list
2010/6/14 John Smith :
> Inside the power station building?
In most cases yes, you won't see them at satellite images. That's what
I mean. If you think it's confusing maybe we should also replace this
Tagging mailing list
Now there is a good trend to use colon in key names. Maybe we should
move these tags below?
int_name -> name:international
nat_name -> name:national
reg_name -> name:regional
loc_name -> name:local
old_name -> name:old
alt_name -> name:alt or name:alternative
official_name -> name:official
But th
2010/6/25 M∡rtin Koppenhoefer :
> 2010/6/25 Cartinus :
>> I'm afraid most people don't think "It looks better." is a compelling reason.
> actually I do think that "looks better" is a good reason. It follows
> some logics that makes mapping easier for everybody.
Definitely, when I started mapping
2010/6/25 Pieren :
> Because the first time you discover that a simple thing as a name can be
> taggued with seven different tags, you don't have to read the wiki when you
> replace '_' by ':' ...
I just wanted to say that names like 'loc' or 'nat' are bit enigmatic.
I was searching for a tag for billboard and I don't see any tag for
advert. How about creating a proposal with something like this:
amenity=advert (or rather information=advert?)
advert=board (sth like informa
2010/7/3 Tobias Knerr :
> The information key is currently only defined as a subkey for
> tourism=information, so I'd rather not use it. Amenities tend to be
> something you might actively look for. How about using man_made instead?
Sounds good.
> Isn't that simply a man_made=flagpole?
Yes, I di
Hi, I want to ask about two types of barrier:
1. noise barrier
(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ekran-Akustyczny.jpg) - kind
of wall near road, mostly motorway/trunk, sometimes transparent
2. crash barrier
(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CrashBarrier.jpg) - low
barrier from metal o
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