On 13/04/2019 09:52, Volker Schmidt wrote:
I have only now detected this (optional?) role value in route relations.
What's the purpose of this?
Or put in other words: I have a node tagged with
"information=guidepost". What is the difference between inserting it
in a route relation with or witho
On 13/04/2019 23:37, Peter Elderson wrote:
... If a guidepost is part of a route, it is also part of a way so the
point location is already in there.
In my experience that's generally not the case - guideposts and route
markers are usually added in there actual location (off to one side of
On 14/04/2019 10:56, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
Can anyone from England confirm that this tag is intelligible in your
dialect? Are there other names for these that should be mentioned on
the page?
It's not in common non-trade use in the UK, but trade sites certainly
use that name. Maybe others
On 18/03/2018 21:55, Daniel Koć wrote:
W dniu 17.03.2018 o 11:27, Andy Townsend pisze:
Also "castle:type=manor" hasn't exactly troubled the scorers so far,
has it? https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/castle:type=manor
shows a grand total of _3_.
Yes, that would be easy. =}
But I was talk
On 29/04/2018 06:12, e1k wrote:
a growing number of bars, train stations and or other public places have
musical instruments around where i live (Amsterdam area), and i've started
noticing and collecting these places, and would love to tag them in
use case: as a musician tha
On 03/08/2015 11:30, johnw wrote:
From all the history, it looks like path was made to show some kind of
mixed use way that footway was not good at - for mapping useful but
unpaved and irregular pathways - trails, tracks, etc. A guy was
pushing for this as useful for horses, I think.
On 31/08/2015 10:00, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
I plan to change surface=soil to surface=dirt. surface=soil is a clear
duplicate of surface=dirt.
Are you planning to contact the original mappers explaining why, if
they're still using it, using the same tag to represent the same thing
makes se
On 09/10/2015 19:54, Friedrich Volkmann wrote:
On 09.10.2015 13:39, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
localised meaning does not always have to be parsed into universal
Here in the UK we have very specific access legislation for paths. On a
bridleway, for example, cycling is permitted, but cycle
On 25/10/2015 10:55, Richard wrote:
On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 07:29:02PM +0900, johnw wrote:
the rail and road share an intersection. it is a level crossing. The whole
point of a level crossing is to say “Hey!” the road and train meet here! that’s
why they share the node.
Which is exactly t
On 12/12/2015 06:35, Michał Brzozowski wrote:
There's widely supported internet_access tag.
Taginfo has 58k internet_access:
Of which 33k are wlan:
On 27/12/2015 00:43, Warin wrote:
The present multiple applications landuse=forest has me thinking that
a new tag of
maybe best to focus this new tag onto a specific forest use - that of
wood production.
For info, I have used that (once!):
On 08/01/2016 23:09, François Lacombe wrote:
Hi all,
The vote vote session for the location transition proposal is now open.
As described, location:transition=yes may enable mappers to indicate
the location of a feature i
On 28/03/2016 01:29, François Lacombe wrote:
Hi Dave,
Indeed power=generator + generator:method=photovoltaic is definitely
what you need.
Just remember power=generator is intended for devices instead of facilities.
In your case, power=generator should apply on individual photovoltaic
modules or
On 30/03/2016 22:35, John F. Eldredge wrote:
In the 19th century, a chandler was someone who made and sold candles,
and so there were many chandlers who didn't deal in nautical supplies.
When did the meaning shift?
A couple of explanations, and lots of links, here:
On 10/09/2016 11:42, LeTopographeFou wrote:
I've noticed several typo errors in tag values. I would like to fix
them when it is obvious.
In the case of "tunnel=buildig_passage" it's pretty obvious what the
previous mapper meant. The only caveat I'd add (which you may only not
have mentioned
On 10/09/2016 11:42, LeTopographeFou wrote:
I've noticed several typo errors in tag values. I would like to fix
them when it is obvious.
let's try that again but without pressing "send" instead of "edit" :)
In the case of "tunnel=buildig_passage" it's pretty obvious what the
previous mapper m
On 18/09/2016 15:35, Malcolm Herring wrote:
On 18/09/2016 11:14, Colin Smale wrote:
the values for "oneway" and all the "forward" and "backward" subkey
business are geometric directions related to the order of the nodes in
the OSM way,
This is a dangerous dependency - if the way is reversed by
On 12/02/2017 20:07, Mike Thompson wrote:
... Having spent some time in the electrical industry (in the U.S.)
my understanding is there is no such thing as "2 phase", only single
phase and three phase.
In terms of supply to premises, you're going to get single phase or
Finds 3 "byo", 2 "byob" and there is also 1 "bring_your_own_wine" so
there's not a huge precedent in OSM either way, but both BYO and BYOB
are understood "as is" in English and probably more commonly used than
the expanded version. It's similar t
On 30/11/2017 22:45, Daniel Koć wrote:
While making some cleaning in osm-carto we have found that
leisure=common and leisure=village_green are probably not clear enough
to show them any more. They both have deep roots in British law and
history and are frequently misused, as far as I can tell.
On 10/12/2017 17:55, Volker Schmidt wrote:
* width:sidewalk=
* width:sidewalk:left|right=
taginfo suggests sidewalk:width is the more popular tag of the two options:
https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=sidewalk%3Awidth is currently
at 152, https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/sear
On 11/12/2017 00:25, Nick Bolten wrote:
Absolutely, this is an open problem. However, there's no reason we
can't tag streets with `sidewalk=left/right/yes/no` to keep that
question answerable, while putting the pedestrian network itself (and
its details) on proper ways. In addition, the qu
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