way, using the same node
> (B) twice in succession makes no sense.
> I bet that JOSM won't be happy about it.
JOSM doesn't allow the user to add any repeats at all. Fortunately, it
doesn't remove repeats which were already there.
- Svavar Kjarrval
On fös 2.sep 2016 20:54, André Pirard wrote:
> On 2016-09-02 22:20, Svavar Kjarrval wrote:
>> JOSM doesn't allow the user to add any repeats at all. Fortunately, it
>> doesn't remove repeats which were already there.
> I was showing nodes and Jo is showing ways.
and data bloat, or they would need to run a process
to strip out the traffic rules which conform with their default traffic
rule. This could be avoided if we provided the defaults either in the
data and/or via a wiki page the routing engine authors can check.
- Svavar Kjarrval
preferences, I presumed the support was dropped. The corresponding
preferences entry is "message.add_primitive_to_relation" (set to "true"
to enable the warning).
After enabling that warning, I could add both duplicated ways and nodes.
Perhaps a similar thing
ions and also conform with the OSM tagging norms at the same time.
With regards,
Svavar Kjarrval
Tagging mailing list
ach" would expect.
Here is an example of that:
(Sidenote: If one moves the points much closer to the street of
Aflagrandi, the routers will finally "get i
On fös 14.júl 2017 10:51, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 2017-07-14 12:20 GMT+02:00 Svavar Kjarrval <mailto:sva...@kjarrval.is>>:
> A street segment with no sidewalks on either side:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/64.12876/-21.90466
> &
On fös 14.júl 2017 11:08, marc marc wrote:
> Le 14. 07. 17 à 12:20, Svavar Kjarrval a écrit :
>> A street with a sidewalk on either side but no marked crossings:
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/64.08800/-21.89846
>> (Sidenote: If one tries to route from no. 73
es necessary to keep them separete, which
would then urge the community to draw/import them again, wasting its
time. So I'm rather looking for solutions which would not entail
deletion of data in that manner.
With regards,
Svavar Kjarrval
Tagging mailing list
I think most laws require that even emergency vehicles observe
restrictions like oneway streets. If there are any restrictions which
can be broken in case of emergency vehicles, I think they'd program
their routing software to them.
- Svavar Kjarrval
On 15/10/12 18:16, Eckhart Wörner wrote:
Then it could be easy for them to tailor those requirements to ignore
restrictions into the routing software.
- Svavar Kjarrval
On 15/10/12 18:45, Colin Smale wrote:
> Not in the UK or the Netherlands at least. They can do whatever they
> see fit in the course of duty, especially with ligh
In Iceland we sometimes have companies parking cars in public spaces or
in private land after making a deal with the owner. The cars are marked
with the company and almost always have advertising signs on the side.
How would that be marked in your proposal?
- Svavar Kjarrval
On 28/10/12 03:04
The RFC process has started for my proposal to tag the age groups
schools offer education for. More information is on the wiki page.
The proposal is at
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/age_group .
With regards,
Svavar Kjarrval
27;t? The use case of a parent choosing where to send their kids is
> such a rare one, and involves so much other research that I don't
> think having that factoid in OSM achieves much.
> Steve
> On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Svavar Kjarrval <mailto:sva...@kjarrva
e use of the
> UN classifications (ISCED) for the level of education.
> So I'm afraid I will be voting against your proposal; not because it
> is a bad idea, but because I think it should build on earlier
> discussions and be integrated with them.
> Colin
On 28/11/12 17:06, Phil! Gold wrote:
> * Svavar Kjarrval [2012-11-25 00:08 +]:
>> The RFC process has started for my proposal to tag the age groups
>> schools offer education for. More information is on the wiki page.
>> The proposal is at
>> ht
poses with building=yes and
wait for a tagging scheme which can handle such situations?
With regards,
Svavar Kjarrval
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Tagging mailing list
> On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 8:05 AM, Svavar Kjarrval
> mailto:sva...@kjarrval.is>> wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > How does one tag buildings which are both commercial and
> residential?
> There isn't a good solution for this at the
designated areas, like countries or large areas within them so people
could limit themselves to areas they're more familiar with. If I'd
accept such a suggested change, I'd be responsible for it as the edit
would be registered to my account. Not all business owners have time or
e others (in the general case,
> there are a few exceptions).
It works until the article name is changed in that particular language,
then it won't work for any language until it's fixed, if ever. Of course
one could argue it's very unlikely in the case of a famous franchise but
On 27/02/13 12:00, Simone Saviolo wrote:
> I'm honestly appalled by some of the criticism here. I think this is a
> great proposal and will be very useful once both sides are solid, with
> WikiData hosting more and more information and OSM linking lots of
> objects to a WikiData node.
For the reco
On 01/03/13 15:17, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 2013/2/27 Svavar Kjarrval :
>> It works until the article name is changed in that particular language,
>> then it won't work for any language until it's fixed, if ever. Of course
>> one could argue it's v
Since these are the names of the houses/estates, what'd be wrong with
using addr:housename?
- Svavar Kjarrval
On 26/03/13 13:13, Pieren wrote:
> Dear the list,
> In France, we have some private housing estates where the streets are
> not named and the adresses are the ho
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