in OsmHydrant [1] there is already fire_hydrant:coupling_type with various
values from Storz to Barcelona
(https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/fire_hydrant:coupling_type). Then there
is fire_hydrant:couplings to complement that, describing the actual connectors:
Hello Alberto,
I like your remarks and would like to work together to improve things.
On 2017-06-14 19:06, Viking wrote:
>> in OsmHydrant [1] there is already fire_hydrant:coupling_type with various
>> values from Storz to Barcelona
>> (https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/fire_hydrant:couplin
ng that
> a fireman cares about.
There is not yet a tag for this. In Austria a typical wrench looks like
this: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/251745653405-0-1/s-l1000.jpg
The left side is used to open the bolt at the top, while the right side
can be used to open the cap of the hose couplings.
eople to always use a unit value to avoid
mistakes on this tag.
On 2017-06-15 15:09, Richard Welty wrote:
> On 6/15/17 8:38 AM, Robert Koch wrote:
>> Hello Richard,
>> On 2017-06-15 01:32, Richard Welty wrote:
>>> an american usage note:
I changed the proposal at [1] to have "l/min" instead of "lpm". While
"gpm" is often used, "lpm" isn't.
Rationale: According to [2] "km/h" should be preferred over "kmph"
(which is highly discouraged).
Additionally I added "survey:date", which should be included as well.
Regarding the count: I'm
On 2017-06-17 21:51, Kevin Kenny wrote:
> On Jun 17, 2017 2:30 PM, "Robert Koch" <mailto:robert.k...@loggia.at>> wrote:
> Moreover how useful is "pillar" if there is "dry_barrel" and