Some bottle return vending machines only accept bottles of a particular
beverage brand.
Of the existing 137 bottle return nodes, none specify if there are any
restrictions of which brands of bottles can be returned.
I would like to propose using brand= but wanted to check if there were any
Some bottle return vending machines are placed inside supermarket stores and
give the user a discount coupon to redeem in-store when paying for their
shopping. The supermarket chain may not own, empty or maintain the machine but
it appears operator=* is already being used for this case. Should w
Jake, could I ask you to state what country/state you are referring to?
These practices are likely to be different across the world. For
example, some countries (such as the Netherlands where I am now) have a
pseudo-mandatory system where the retailers pretty much have an
obligation to facilitate t
Hi Colin. I’m in Slovakia current and I believe the system is similar, if the
shop sells a brand then they accept those bottles.
I believe it’s useful information to be mapped.
It is possible to find the machine that accepts the widest range of brands.
One may not remember, or know, where a
Hi all,
there was already some feedback (here and on the discussion page) thanks
for that :)
Considering the feedback, I edited the wiki page, adjusted the tagging
scheme and added some examples for tagging situations.
On 04.01.20 19:47, Hauke Stieler wrote:
> Hi,
> you may noticed the
sent from a phone
> On 5. Jan 2020, at 13:39, Jake Edmonds via Tagging
> wrote:
> Some bottle return vending machines are placed inside supermarket stores and
> give the user a discount coupon to redeem in-store when paying for their
> shopping. The supermarket chain may not own, empty or
I know this discussion is US specific, but we've struggled with
similar issues in Brazil as well, for very similar reasons. It seems
we've made some progress in the southern region when we chose to judge
importance according to a somewhat simple method (it started as: trunk
= best routes between pl
On 2020-01-05 16:22, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> sent from a phone
> I would characterize them completely differently, nothing is sold, and you
> don't get a discount coupon but rather a receipt to get back your deposit.
> The term vending machine is misrepresenting these machines and should
I noticed today while planning a camping/mapping trip to southwest
Colorado many nodes all tagged with 'historic=ruins', and that's about
all. Most of these are stone buildings, some cliff dwellings in various
states of decay. I was wondering if they should also be tagged as
'building=yes' or any
Real case in Paris, we have : bicycle parking, motorcycle parking,
bicycle-motorcycle parking mixed, free floating (dock less)
scooter-bicycle parking, and cargo bike parking.
How can I map that with only motorcycle_parking and bicycle_parking
tags ??? I can't properly.
Using access tags is th
is “designated” implying that other vehicles cannot (legally or physically?)
use the parking, or that there are specific measures so that the designated
vehicles fit perfectly into the fixtures?
Cheers Martin
Tagging mailing list
sent from a phone
> On 5. Jan 2020, at 17:06, Rob Savoye wrote:
> Digging around the internet, I see a variety of ways to tag sites like
> this, and a few old unapproved proposals. Since these structures are
> thousands of years old, shouldn't they be 'historic=archaeological_site'
> ins
On 1/5/20 10:56 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> from my point of view, yes, it is usually preferable to tag ruins with
> historic=archaeological_site (unless they are modern/recent). I’ve
> myself used historic=ruins a lot many years ago and have since changed
> most of them to archaeological sit
I assume the right place for tags like 'addr:housenumber' &
'addr:street' are on the building way, and not a standalone node ?
- rob -
Tagging mailing list
This depends on the country.
It is "forbidden" to put the address on the building in Denmark,
It is not typical to do so in The Netherlands.
In Italy, the address belongs to a door, not to a building.
On Sun, Jan 5, 2020 at 7:24 PM Rob Savoye wrote:
> I assume the right place for
On 1/5/20 12:37, Marc Gemis wrote:
> This depends on the country.
> It is "forbidden" to put the address on the building in Denmark,
> It is not typical to do so in The Netherlands.
> In Italy, the address belongs to a door, not to a building.
In the US it can go either way. I've seen a shopping c
sent from a phone
> On 5. Jan 2020, at 19:24, Rob Savoye wrote:
> I assume the right place for tags like 'addr:housenumber' &
> 'addr:street' are on the building way, and not a standalone node ?
it depends where the number/address is assigned to, and may vary, e.g. in
Germany it depends
The name value almost certainly should not be “Indian Ruin”. If “Indian Ruin”
is used for a value at all it should be in the description tag. Probably the
more politically correct nowadays might be “Native American ruins”.
Most of the larger sites have official names. “Montezuma Castle National
On 05.01.20 19:22, Rob Savoye wrote:
> I assume the right place for tags like 'addr:housenumber' &
> 'addr:street' are on the building way, and not a standalone node ?
If there is a 1:1 relationship between buildings and addresses, the
building way is the most sensible location for addr tags.
On 1/5/20 11:45 AM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> In the US it can go either way. I've seen a shopping center where
> multiple buildings had the same address (number and street) but
> different ranges of suite/unit numbers.
I can see both being appropriate. We have multiple old resorts with
one addre
sent from a phone
> On 5. Jan 2020, at 19:55, Tod Fitch wrote:
> One trouble with names it that the people who lived in those areas moved out
> long before the advent of written documentation so we don’t know what they
> called the places. All the names are from later peoples (different na
Le dim. 5 janv. 2020 à 18:41, Martin Koppenhoefer
a écrit :
> is “designated” implying that other vehicles cannot (legally or physically?)
> use the parking, or that there are specific measures so that the designated
> vehicles fit perfectly into the fixtures?
No, that would depend on the oth
On 1/5/20 11:55 AM, Tod Fitch wrote:
> The name value almost certainly should not be “Indian Ruin”. If
> “Indian Ruin” is used for a value at all it should be in the
> description tag. Probably the more politically correct nowadays
> might be “Native American ruins”.
That was my thought, "Indi
On Sat, 4 Jan 2020 at 22:12, Volker Schmidt wrote:
> In particular I would like some tagging scheme that allows you to identify a
> parking facility, and within that same facility (which carries the name) the
> parking sub-facilities for cars, buses, HGVs, motorcycles, ...That would
> make m
On Sun, 5 Jan 2020 at 17:29, Florimond Berthoux
> Using access tags is the good way to go, so we can use
> [vehicle]=yes/no/designated.
> Designated is to explicitly say that the place is specifically made for them.
How would you tag a designated car park for customers only? designated
sent from a phone
> On 5. Jan 2020, at 20:18, Florimond Berthoux
> wrote:
>> is “designated” implying that other vehicles cannot (legally or physically?)
>> use the parking, or that there are specific measures so that the designated
>> vehicles fit perfectly into the fixtures?
> No, th
sent from a phone
> On 5. Jan 2020, at 16:46, Colin Smale wrote:
>> The term vending machine is misrepresenting these machines and should not be
>> used.
> They are frequently called "reverse vending" machines - instead of the
> customer trading money for goods, they trade goods for
On 2020-01-05 21:02, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> sent from a phone
>> On 5. Jan 2020, at 16:46, Colin Smale wrote:
> The term vending machine is misrepresenting these machines and should not be
> used.
> They are frequently called "reverse vending" machines - instead of the
> custom
The archaeological site may cover several ruins, probably the entire community.
So I would map that over the entire area.
Then add any remaining structures with what they are now, which could well be
You might consider adding them to OHM too.
On 06/01/20 06:21, Rob Savoye wr
We had this discussion recently regardng parking spaces. The cargobike vs
bike is the same as the car vs motorcycle access when it comes to parking
My approach in my foot-bicycle-vehicle-motor_vehicle world is:
x=yes means x is allowed and nothing is said about other means of
Mi planas forigi la etikedojn “name” kaj “wikipedia” por la lokoj, kiuj
ne estas ligitaj al iu specifa popolo aŭ lingvo:
* kontinentoj
* norda kaj suda polusoj
* maroj kaj golfoj kun escepto: forlasi la etikedon “name” se ekzistas
maksimume du (aŭ tri) lingvoj de apudaj landoj, do ekzemple “Бело
sent from a phone
> On 5. Jan 2020, at 23:27, Tomek wrote:
> EN (automatic translation)
> I plan to remove the "name" and "wikipedia" tags from places that are not
> associated with a specific nation or language:
> * continents
> * north and south poles
> * seas and bays, but exceptionally
Listoj estas kategoriigitaj laŭ regionoj, la listo por angloj estas:
W dniu 20-01-05 o 23:55, Martin Koppenhoefer pisze:
> First I’d like to remind you that this is an English language list, please
> stick to English and post esperanto on the esper
sent from a phone
> On 5. Jan 2020, at 23:22, Volker Schmidt wrote:
> x=designated means access only for x and and there is a sign, ore something
> equivalent, stating this
> x=designated AND y=designated means access only for x and for y and there is
> a sign, ore something equivalent, s
sent from a phone
> On 5. Jan 2020, at 22:35, Warin <> wrote:
> The archaeological site may cover several ruins, probably the entire
> community. So I would map that over the entire area.
archaeological sites quite often are nested, overlapping (both, horizontally
sent from a phone
> On 6. Jan 2020, at 00:05, Tomek wrote:
> Listoj estas kategoriigitaj laŭ regionoj, la listo por angloj estas:
that is the list for users in Great Britain.
Here we’re on the tagging mailing list, which has global scop
Le 05.01.20 à 23:25, Tomek a écrit :
> I plan to remove the "name" and "wikipedia" tags from places
> that are not associated with a specific nation or language:
> Please support (vote) my proposal or write a reason why not.
are you planning a mechanical edit ?
if yes, you misunderstood
5 Jan 2020, 23:25 by
> > I plan to remove the "name" and "wikipedia" tags fromplaces that
> are not associated with a specific nation orlanguage
This would be unacceptable damage,
for reasons already discussed.
> Wikipedia links will be available via Wikida
W dniu 20-01-06 o 00:24, marc marc pisze:
> are you planning a mechanical edit ?
NE, mi volas redakti ĉiun punkton aparte.
W dniu 20-01-06 o 00:24, marc marc pisze:
> Removing the name tag implies that each style/app that uses it will have
> to be modified to find out what is the most appropria
Le 06.01.20 à 01:28, Tomek a écrit :
> W dniu 20-01-06 o 00:24, marc marc pisze:
>> are you planning a mechanical edit ?
> NE, mi volas redakti ĉiun punkton aparte.
editing one by one, doesn't solve the the mechanical issue,
mechanical isn't about the size of the changeset,
it's about the "select
Ĉu tiu ĉi dissendolisto estas nur por anglalingvanoj aŭ por ĉiuj homoj?
Angla lingvo estis populara nur pro ekonomia potenco de Usono dum la
20-jarcento. Nuntempe estas la jaro 2020, ĉiu povas uzi elektronikan
Czy ta lista dyskusyjna jest tylko dla anglików, czy też dla wszystkic
W dniu 20-01-06 o 02:25, stevea pisze:
> It's easy to goof things up and we shouldn't.
Pardonu, mi ne estas provokisto, mi ne kondutas malserioze.
Mi skribas en mia lingvo (pola) en internacia lingvo (Esperanto) kaj iam
en via lingvo (angla), kial vi ne estimas min kaj ne parolas en mia lingvo?
> On Jan 6, 2020, at 1:27 AM, Florimond Berthoux
> wrote:
>> I have just detected the wiki page "amenity=tourist_bus_parking"
Why is this it’s own amenity, instead of
Many Service areas in Japan has an HGV/BUS parking lot with amenities
Just a bump here to see if anyone has opinions about tagging for
infrastructure allowing for two-stage bicycle turns. Please see
original message quoted below for more details.
I'm currently thinking of using the following:
- relation with tag type=bicycle_two_stage_turn (comments on this
On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 10:50 AM Mateusz Konieczny
> There is no useful difference
> therefore it is pointless to have two
> separate tags for that.
Domestic refuse metals like metal packaging from consumer products (think
like, food and beverage cans), something that you can typically
Hello ! Please note that the highway tagging is designed for cars : there
should be also a highway-like tagging for trucks, for bikes, and for
Plus : there is the commuter point of view and the long-distance point of
view :-)
I would vote for an importance tag, values from 1 to 6 :
On 2020-01-05 23:25, Tomek wrote:
EN (automatic translation)
I plan to remove the "name" and "wikipedia" tags from places that are
not associated with a specific nation or language:
* continents
* north and south poles
* seas and bays, but exceptionally leaving the "name" tag for seas
with a max
Regardless of whether the main tag should be changed or not, on second thought,
I think the following tags should be used:
brand= To indicate how the service is branded, for example, a recycling/bottle
return company or the name of the super market where the machine is located
On Sun, Jan 05, 2020 at 11:22:50AM -0700, Rob Savoye wrote:
> I assume the right place for tags like 'addr:housenumber' &
> 'addr:street' are on the building way, and not a standalone node ?
In Germany we have both. And it depends on what actually makes sense.
These are my thoughts and usage:
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