Re: [Tagging] building=clubhouse

2018-07-20 Thread Warin
On 20/07/18 15:40, Marc Gemis wrote: building=clubhouse is fine as value, unless - the club is located in a pub (e.g. darts, pools, biljarts) - the club is located in the former barn of a farm (e.g. old timer (car) club I know). - perhaps building=civic when the club is located in a town hall o

[Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Sebastian
Hello List, in the UAE/Emirates Hills area, particular around 'The Springs' there are a number or lakes. All lakes are artificial. Image example here: Reading through Key:water in the OpenStreetMap Wiki I wonder if these should be tagged as

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Warin
On 20/07/18 19:23, Sebastian wrote: Hello List, in the UAE/Emirates Hills area, particular around 'The Springs' there are a number or lakes. All lakes are artificial. Image example here: Reading through Key:water in the OpenStreetMap

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Volker Schmidt
The description in the (OSM) wiki states: "A pond: a body of standing > water, man-made in most cases, that is usually smaller than a lake." > This definition is different from the Wikipedia definition: " A *pond* is a body of standing water

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Volker Schmidt
... or a reservoir, as Warin points out. On 20 July 2018 at 11:46, Volker Schmidt wrote: > > > The description in the (OSM) wiki states: "A pond: a body of standing >> water, man-made in most cases, that is usually smaller than a lake." >> > This definition is different from the Wikipedia defini

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Sebastian
Hi, With artificial I meant it is a hole with a plastic foil. Everything except sand is artificial and needs to be maintainer in this region. I have been contemplating if these lakes are also used as a reservoir for irrigation myself. However I can't confirm or deny this. I'll keep the lake tag

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Warin
Was the depression, where the water is, formed by man? If so then it could be tagged as a basin .. Reservoirs are not only for irrigation, many around me are there to supply water for human consumption. So I don't think the use of the wat

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Philip Barnes
On 20 July 2018 11:51:39 BST, Warin <> wrote: >Was the depression, where the water is, formed by man? If so then it >could be tagged as a basin .. > > >Reservoirs are not only for irrigation, many around me are there to

Re: [Tagging] waterway=fish_pass consistency

2018-07-20 Thread Richard
On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 11:16:57AM +0200, Yves wrote: > You'd be *very* surprised what shapes fish passes can take. > I don't think it's a good idea to use the waterway key to tell that whatever > feature is intended to be a fish pass. > This one, although man made is definitely a river, that was

[Tagging] Public Transport v3 — starting RFC

2018-07-20 Thread Ilya Zverev
Hi folks, As you might've noticed, in the past year there has been growing discomfort with the current Public Transport tagging schema. Of course, it brought order to our route relations, but also introduced a lot of redundant concepts. We've seen a couple proposals aiming to fix some of issues

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Michael Patrick
Form a hyrdomorphology / geomorphology technical perspective, the following key fairly succinctly characterizes the differences.( from ): *Lakes vs. Ponds* Both lakes and ponds are standing or slow-moving bodies of water. There are no offic

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Paul Allen
On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 7:59 PM, Michael Patrick wrote: > The proper name of the water feature usually has nothing to do with these, > though. Our area has numerous 'Lake Something's which are impoundments that > barely would would classify as ponds, basically created by real estate > developers

Re: [Tagging] [OKFILTER] Public Transport v3 — starting RFC

2018-07-20 Thread Johnparis
This is a very long and complex proposal, so it will take me a while to digest and respond. I am also alerting the transport mailing lists in English and French. I trust the RFC will be open for at least for a couple of months. Cette proposition (en anglais) est très longue et complexe, il me faud

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Dave Swarthout
Michael wrote: >Both lakes and ponds are standing or slow-moving bodies of water. There are no official or scientific differences >between lakes and ponds. Lakes are larger than ponds, but size is relative. What would be considered a pond in one >region might be considered a lake in another. I tot

Re: [Tagging] Public Transport v3 — starting RFC

2018-07-20 Thread Dave F
Hi In the UK the are forty relations as site=railway_station with the role of 'stop'. Am I correct in think these are redundant in relation to the current PT schema? I asked what stop_areas are for on the OSM forum. Could you clarify? The wiki states what they are, but not their usage. Are t

Re: [Tagging] waterway=fish_pass consistency

2018-07-20 Thread Graeme Fitzpatrick
On 20 July 2018 at 23:23, Richard wrote: > > indeed and as they are getting more widespread more variations can be > expected. > One was mentioned near here last week that they have installed a full on lock for fish to bypass a weir. They swim into a chamber through the bottom gate which automa

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Graeme Fitzpatrick
On 21 July 2018 at 04:59, Michael Patrick wrote: > > >- Does light reach the bottom of the deepest point of the water body? >- Does the water body only get small waves (i.e., smaller than >1ft/30cm in height)? >- Is the water body relatively uniform in temperature? > > If these q

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Warin
On 21/07/18 09:23, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote: On 21 July 2018 at 04:59, Michael Patrick>wrote: * Does light reach the bottom of the deepest point of the water body? * Does the water body only get small waves (i.e., smaller than 1ft/30cm in

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Kevin Kenny
>> Does light reach the bottom of the deepest point of the water body? >> Does the water body only get small waves (i.e., smaller than 1ft/30cm in >> height)? >> Is the water body relatively uniform in temperature? >> >> If these questions can be answered with a “yes,” the water body is likely a

Re: [Tagging] waterway=fish_pass consistency

2018-07-20 Thread Yves
Ah, and I have a waterway=lift, fish=yes nearby :) Yves Le 21 juillet 2018 00:55:34 GMT

[Tagging] Golf tag combinations

2018-07-20 Thread Warin
Yet more golf... sigh. Many of the golf tags (golf=green, tee, fairway) are combined with landuse=grass. And other golf tags (water_hazard as an example) use the key natural. To may way of thinking these should use the surface tag e.g. surface=grass, that clearly shows that the surface is s