I fear we have been a bit too quick.
It looks as if stands and grandstand are different terms for seating around
a sports pitch.
The Wikipedia page "Stadium" refers several times to "stands" when it talks
about seating in a stadium. And the Wikpedia page "Bleacher" is about
"bleachers or stands", s
On Oct 27, 2017 8:03 AM, "Colin Smale" wrote:
Time for a more philosophical discussion... What is the function of this
thing we call "address"? Is it to identify a premises? Is it to describe a
premises? Does it refer to the whole premises, or just the bit with the
front door or letter box? Or is
Exactly, typical of OSM... If we can't sort this out, we will just continue to
go round in circles. How does one tell the difference, or which type of address
is intended? What if we want to put both types of address on the same object?
On 28 October 2017 15:56:22 CEST, Eugene Alvin Villar wrot
I don't think arguments as "is the more generic term" are all that
convincing in the context of OSM. There are quite a number of cases in
OSM where a well established tag with proper documentation may not
always have the most "appropriate" name for its key or value. I think
the current changes
On 29 October 2017 at 00:25, Colin Smale wrote:
> Exactly, typical of OSM... If we can't sort this out, we will just
> continue to go round in circles. How does one tell the difference, or which
> type of address is intended? What if we want to put both types of address
> on the same object?
Le 28. 10. 17 à 23:16, Graeme Fitzpatrick a écrit :
> My reasoning is that my navigation program (OSMAND) doesn't appear to
> find street numbers if they're only part of the address, but will if
> they're a separate node.
I know a lot of area (for exemple Brussels, Belgium) having housenumber
To complicate things a bit more :-), we also have leisure_bleachers! (Or at
least we used to - can't see it any more?)
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