Re: [Tagging] Names containing abbreviations that are the official name

2017-07-28 Thread Adam Snape
On 27 July 2017 at 21:20, Tom Pfeifer wrot > > > There are pronunciation dictionaries for different languages, which are > not thicker than spelling dictionaries. In electronic form they would > measure in kilobytes, and be included in the dozens of megabytes a TTS > engine comes with, for each la

Re: [Tagging] fire hydrants

2017-07-28 Thread Viking
Hello. After two weeks on holiday, I'm back to discuss on fire hydrants proposal. I've updated the page [1] according to last comments about fire_hydrant:couplings_type and fire_hydrant:couplings_size. If you think it's ok, I will go on putting it on vote. Best regards Alberto [1] https://wiki.o

Re: [Tagging] Names containing abbreviations that are the official name

2017-07-28 Thread Tom Pfeifer
On 28.07.2017 11:39, Adam Snape wrote: On 27 July 2017 at 21:20, Tom Pfeifer>> wrot There are pronunciation dictionaries for different languages, which are not thicker than spelling dictionaries. In electronic form they would measure in kilobytes, and be

Re: [Tagging] Produce tags for orchards

2017-07-28 Thread Paul Desgranges
Hello Orchards contain trees and this is what can be seen on landscape, if you do a survey. >From trees you can get some fruits, but it is once in a while, the crop is only once per year, and only if you get lucky, some years there is nothing, depending on wheather conditions. Therefore the tag '

Re: [Tagging] Names containing abbreviations that are the official name

2017-07-28 Thread Kevin Kenny
On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 10:30 AM, Tom Pfeifer wrote: > I agree that tagging pronunciation is a good thing for unusual situations, > and the examples that were cited before already use the IPA [1], which would > be my recommendation as well. > [1]

Re: [Tagging] Produce tags for orchards

2017-07-28 Thread shane teonanacatl
example: when you have cork oak, they produce cork and nuts for pigs (pata negra and so on) - but when only a tourist visit the area he cant decide what the farmer is earning: cork, nuts, cork and nuts or nothing (not used).     Gesendet: Freitag, 28. Juli 2017 um 16:31 Uhr Von: "Paul Desgrange