sent from a phone
> Am 11.02.2016 um 23:39 schrieb Max :
> I'd say so.1. depreciate tourism=gallery for museums, make it a subtype
> of tourism=museum.
> For actual galleries introduce amenity=art_gallery
+0.5, I'd actually make the latter contemporary_art_gallery, although it is
long, it
It was approved with 38 votes for, 10 votes against and 1 abstention.
Approved due to >74% approval (79.167%). Wikipages has been changed
I am dubious about tagging the artists that the gallery represents,
since this is likely to change on a fairly frequent basis. My
impression is that most exhibitions are only for a period of a week or
two, meaning that the tag information would frequently be out of date.
On 02/03/2016 02:52 P
Couple of comments inline...
On 2016-02-12 22:50, John Willis wrote:
> Javbw
> On Feb 12, 2016, at 4:26 PM, Colin Smale wrote:
>> John, I think you are talking from your US perspective.
> Yea, this is true.
> It also lines up pretty well with Japan, but that is also a s
inline as well:
> On Feb 13, 2016, at 8:09 AM, Colin Smale wrote:
>> So:
>> Builder supply : focus on materials/piping/whatever their specialty (Tile,
>> rock, lumber), excluding the finished goods stores (appliance, etc)
>> Hardware stores : focus on tools/consumables.
>> D
On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 6:34 AM, johnw wrote:
> #1 ) as discussed, develop borad categories to classify stores (hardware/
> builder supply / DIY)
> #2 ) come up with descriptions for sections (usually what the isles would be
> named) for more detailed mapping. I assume for home stores and DIY wi
this weekend, I visited a “you pick” strawberry farm. As with apples and other
fruits, Visiting a rural farm and paying a fee to pick your own fruits, nuts,
and other stuff must be popular around the world. I have visited several Apple
orchards in the US that do that. In this case, it was “all y