sent from a phone
> Am 11.10.2015 um 08:25 schrieb Mateusz Konieczny :
> Castle as in "a type of fortified structure built in Europe and the
> Middle East during the Middle Ages by nobility".
> Unfortunately obvious historic=castle fails - as it is defined and
> used as "(often fortified)
Hi Michał,
Am 2015-10-10 um 21:28 schrieb Michał Brzozowski:
> In the course of surveys, I fill in opening_hours of shops and other
> venues. Sometimes though, they are not marked outside. Therefore, when
> looking at a feature that lacks opening_hours other mappers and I
> can't tell the reason.
> On Oct 11, 2015, at 3:25 PM, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
> Castle as in "a type of fortified structure built in Europe and the
> Middle East during the Middle Ages by nobility".
We'll have to append "and Asia" on that. There are castles all over Japan
(China too?), and I know at least one is
Hi Colin
Le 9 oct. 2015 7:26 PM, "Colin Smale" a écrit :
>Are you just saying it is unlikely, or do you mean that it would no longer
be called a pipeline if part of its distance is drilled through rock
instead of being a steel pipe?
I won't call a drilled rock section a "pipeline".
> "Penstock"
Michael Reichert Wrote in
> Hi Micha?,
> Am 2015-10-10 um 21:28 schrieb Micha? Brzozowski:
>> In the course of surveys, I fill in opening_hours of shops and other
>> venues. Sometimes though, they are not marked outside. Therefore, when
>> looking at a feature that lacks opening_hours
On 11.10.2015 09:20, Michael Reichert wrote:
> Hi Michał,
> Am 2015-10-10 um 21:28 schrieb Michał Brzozowski:
>> In the course of surveys, I fill in opening_hours of shops and other
>> venues. Sometimes though, they are not marked outside. Therefore, when
>> looking at a feature that lacks openi
Hi Francois,
On 2015-10-11 13:28, François Lacombe wrote:
> Hi Colin
> Le 9 oct. 2015 7:26 PM, "Colin Smale" a écrit :
>> Are you just saying it is unlikely, or do you mean that it would no longer
>> be called a pipeline if part of its distance is drilled through rock instead
>> of be
This historic places map has a list of castle types,
There is "Shiro" in the list, which is marked a Japanese Burg.
Unfortunately, there website is out of service at the moment due to hard
disk problems.
On S