When you live in places that don't have churches - churchyard is incorrect -
especially when **it isn't mapping a yard**.
I have temple grounds here. So churchyard is also not a neutral tag, therefore
it is a garbage tag. It should be depreciated and erased.
And there are many complexes that
On 8/21/15 10:19 , John Willis wrote:
When you live in places that don't have churches - churchyard is incorrect -
especially when **it isn't mapping a yard**.
I have temple grounds here. So churchyard is also not a neutral tag, therefore
it is a garbage tag. It should be depreciated and erase
Friday 21 August 2015 11:48:49, panierav...@riseup.net:
> Hello,
> I recently released a new version of YoHours, a website which allows
> everyone to create and view opening hours in the OSM syntax. It now
> supports seasons-dependent hours (month, week, day, holiday selectors).
> It's av
In first though landuse=religious was supposed to be for all religious
institution and include more than a church yard.
Now I read...
landuse=religious is specifically meant for the area used by a religious
facility and it's supporting or directly related amenities used for practicing
the re
The interest of this overly complicated specification is that it makes
developers life easy ;) Obviously, it has to stay in phase with the way
opening_hours is really used. So if the separator is not used, it will
be removed from YoHours. Note that this optional separator is also
readable by "o
Precinct is used around cathedrals, does that work?
Phil ( trigpoint)
On Fri Aug 21 11:53:52 2015 GMT+0100, Andreas Goss wrote:
> In first though landuse=religious was supposed to be for all religious
> institution and include more than a church yard.
> Now I read...
> > landuse=religious
Landuse=religious is not quite right, since the hussainia is more a
cultural event than anything religious.
I think I would prefer a neutral terms for the amenity (yes, its an
amenity) like
amenity=community_centre (Description A place mostly used
for local events, festivities and gro
BTW while it is still work in progress (now mainly because the android
UI isn't finished yet)
https://github.com/simonpoole/OpeningHoursParser is a JavaCC based
parser which attempts to implement the full spec, undoubtedly I've
probably missed one or two special cases, but it is fairly complete.
On 21.08.2015 13:29, Simon Poole wrote:
> BTW while it is still work in progress (now mainly because the android
> UI isn't finished yet)
> https://github.com/simonpoole/OpeningHoursParser is a JavaCC based
> parser which attempts to implement the full spec, undoubtedly I've
> probably misse
On 21/08/2015 9:28 PM, Craig Allan wrote:
*I am a little concerned that there are different terms for the
amenity in different countries.
We try to use English terms where possible, but I doubt its possible
in this case.
So I acc
Friday 21 August 2015 13:29:37, Simon Poole:
> BTW while it is still work in progress (now mainly because the android
> UI isn't finished yet)
> https://github.com/simonpoole/OpeningHoursParser is a JavaCC based
> parser which attempts to implement the full spec, undoubtedly I've
> probably misse
I'll give you three real life examples. Two where landuse=religious should be
used, one where it shouldn't.
My parents church is a rather (physically) large presbyterian church. It is a
complex with a giant chapel building on a hill. There is one sign out front:
The church ground
sent from a phone
> Am 21.08.2015 um 10:19 schrieb John Willis :
> When you live in places that don't have churches - churchyard is incorrect -
> especially when **it isn't mapping a yard**.
> I have temple grounds here
what about
religion=* ?
sent from a phone
> Am 21.08.2015 um 13:28 schrieb Craig Allan :
> 'frequency' is used about 1.2 million times, so its standard too.
> "intermittent" and "weekly" already exist as values. "allyear" is new.
maybe service_times are also interesting ?
On 2015-08-04 14:57, Dave F. wrote :
> Hi
> wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=Key:contact
> I remember a discussion a while back about this. As the page makes no
> mention of the logic behind, could someone please remind me of the
> reasoning & advantage over straight forward phone, fax,
I wrote a more detailed response on another thread - but i think it easily
boils down to landuse=religious is for a POW and its amenities. That can be
checked by two things:
-it is a single (named) landuse whose main function or main building is
religious in nature, usually with a POW tag on th
> On Aug 22, 2015, at 8:19 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer
> wrote:
>> Am 21.08.2015 um 10:19 schrieb John Willis :
>> I have temple grounds here
> what about
> amenity=temple_grounds
> religion=* ?
We would need 5-7 new amenity tags to cover what is already covered with
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