On Mon, 2015-03-30 at 05:44 +, Jan van Bekkum wrote:
> .. I hope someone else will stand up to kick off the camp_site=*
> proposal for facility levels.
OK Jan, hint taken.
Very early, lot more needs be done. I'm going to b
Okay - I have a question - If Jan’s proposal sets the basic category, And this
one sets the amenity level, Is is possible to base this around access to the
spaces? it seems to set the whole tone of the camp.
RV & Caravan / car camping / tent camping? An RV camp usually has spaces and
> On Mar 30, 2015, at 1:05 AM, johnw wrote:
> Okay - I have a question - If Jan’s proposal sets the basic category, And
> this one sets the amenity level, Is is possible to base this around access to
> the spaces? it seems to set the whole tone of the camp.
> RV & Caravan / car camping /
> On Mar 29, 2015, at 10:44 PM, Jan van Bekkum wrote:
> I decided not to include the scout camp, because it then still might be
> confused with a place where ordinary campers can stay (like is the case with
> all options in the proposal). After the long discussion I have tried to keep
> the
2015-03-30 10:05 GMT+02:00 johnw :
> camp_site:restaurant=yes
> camp_site:water=yes
> camp_site:space_water=no
> campsite:kitchen=yes
> camp_site:space_bbq=no
> camp_site:space_power=yes
> camp_site:attendant=yes
I still believe that this kind of model is not preferable, because these
lists te
2015-03-30 4:01 GMT+02:00 johnw :
> They are just private facilities, but they should be properly tagged as a
> camp site, as people drive long distances to take scouts there, so they
> should be searchable and routable.
IMHO scout camps, while they merit to be mapped in certain cases (recurrin
2015-03-29 13:28 GMT+02:00 Jan van Bekkum :
> I believe it is good to have a single list with all approved tags.
There is one here: http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Approved_features
Tagging mailing list
2015-03-29 18:55 GMT+02:00 Paul Johnson :
> Routing engines are already capable of handling the situation quite
> handily if the way that bicycles are not allowed on is bicycle=no or
> bicycle=destination.
it's not about ways where bicycles are not allowed on, it is about ways
with other ways
That seems very wrong, as we tag parking lots with access=private and they are
still mapped and rendered.
They are a camp site visited by hundreds, if not thousands of people, just a
private one.
A camp I worked at handled 1500 scouts in 6 weeks during the season! All of
them had to be drive
The 4 scout camps I have been to have tents set up in groups in clearings under
trees for visiting campers. The only permanent building is the dining hall.
That's what burned down at hual-cu-cuish.
maybe a new camp type is needed for these others- dormitory
School camps I have been to (Califor
2015-03-30 12:53 GMT+02:00 johnw :
> That seems very wrong, as we tag parking lots with access=private and they
> are still mapped and rendered.
> They are a camp site visited by hundreds, if not thousands of people, just
> a private one.
what about military camps? Indigenous camps / nomad c
> On Mar 30, 2015, at 6:17 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer
> wrote:
> Some things might make sense to be seen as attributes on the camp_site, e.g.
> whether there is power available, while others like the presence of a
> restaurant or a shop should be better mapped as objects on their own.
I gues
People don't drive to camp David in a minivan with a tent and some
marshmallows, go hiking in groups and tell stories around a camp fire.
None of the other camps you listed were recreation camps.
Boy Scout camps are.
Seems straight forward to me.
> On Mar 30, 2015, at 8:14 PM, Mart
I suggest to tag volcanos on ways rather than nodes, if possible. Currently
the wiki states that only nodes should be used, and while I agree that
nodes might be a preliminary way of mapping, I think that typically
volcanos are bigger than just a point, and would merit an area to be mapped.
2015-03-30 13:20 GMT+02:00 John Willis :
> Boy Scout camps are.
> Seems straight forward to me.
well, you can't drive in a minivan there, set up your tent and sit around
their camp fire to tell them a story, you only could if you were a boy
scout of their group.
I can't walk into a factory and start running their drop forge either, but it's
still a factory... Known by the residents of the city... Travelled to by
hundreds of citizens of the city or region...
> On Mar 30, 2015, at 8:29 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer
> wrote:
> 2015-03-30 13:20 G
In contrast to a peak, which is a point by definition, a volcano is often
characterised by its crater, thus a polygon makes perfect sense.
I see people drawing perfectly round chimneys with one node per brick, thus
a volcano certainly deserves its area.
I would have recommended to sync this acti
On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 01:26:35PM +0200, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Just discovered, this was changed only one year ago by user geozeisig,
> before there was a recommendation for areas as well:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=Tag%3Anatural%3Dvolcano&diff=996213&oldid=995784
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Tag:natural%3Dlava has some
thoughts how to map lava fields and calderas - I think those should
be finalized and documented.
Cut & paste
Lava fields
natural=bare_rock ("rock" being used in the broad sense of a consolidated
(solid) or unconsoli
2015-03-30 15:25 GMT+02:00 Richard Z. :
> no it was not. As pointed out in wiki it was part of the original
> proposal, Geozeisig only corrected the infobox to reflect what
> the text says.
thank you for pointing this out, I wasn't aware of it. Still, 5% of all
volcanos are mapped on ways.
In a broader sense, volcano is a mountain that appeared after a volcano
blew up. The problem is, we don't yet have a way of mapping mountains.
There was a suggestion to map a mountain by tagging mountain=xyz on all
entities that define a mountain, that is peaks, ridges, mountain passes and
such. Ma
Lately I was trying to rethink our general tagging schemes and came up
with the impression that areas half-designed part of OSM tagging system.
IMO we have 2 problems with it: small one in microscale and a big one in
macroscale, but most probably we can deal with them separately.
In micr
Am 30.03.2015 um 16:58 schrieb Janko Mihelić:
> In a broader sense, volcano is a mountain that appeared after a volcano
> blew up. The problem is, we don't yet have a way of mapping mountains.
> There was a suggestion to map a mountain by tagging mountain=xyz on all
> entities that define a mountai
2015-03-30 17:09 GMT+02:00 fly :
> volcano and peak are both mountains and we do not have an area tagging
> system for fuzzy areas.
with the not so subtle difference that mountains do have a peak, while
volcanos don't, they typically have a "hole".
A scout camp is a camp_site. It's just not accessible by the general
public. Tag with access=private. End of story.
On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 6:48 PM, John Willis wrote:
> I can't walk into a factory and start running their drop forge either, but
> it's still a factory... Known by the residents of
2015-03-30 17:31 GMT+02:00 Dave Swarthout :
> A scout camp is a camp_site. It's just not accessible by the general
> public. Tag with access=private. End of story.
are scouts "tourists"?
With your same argument you could say: "a toilet is a toilet", but we just
rejected the idea that every priv
Mapping street areas should not use [highway=*; area=yes] -
[area:highway=*] is much better.
highway=pedestrian, highway=footway for squares are special cases as square
may and typically is traversed using any route.
Also some [highway=service; area=yes] fit (some parkings and similar
places) as i
-1 on this.
At a first level approximation, a volcano is a peak. Even on the caldera
rim there's still a high point, and that's the peak.
If you want to map the caldera create a key for that.
If you want to map the volcano extent, good luck. Where's the base of a
mountain? What defines the edge
After an intensive discussion (see [Tagging] Tagging established,
unofficial and wild campings) that has resulted in substantial modification
of the content and scope of the original proposal please cast your votes
for the reworked version. It has been kept as lean and focussed as possible.
On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 2:58 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 2015-03-29 13:28 GMT+02:00 Jan van Bekkum :
>> I believe it is good to have a single list with all approved tags.
> There is one here: http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Approved_features
Again, the word "approved" is misleading here
W dniu 30.03.2015 18:07, Mateusz Konieczny napisał(a):
Mapping street areas should not use [highway=*; area=yes] -
[area:highway=*] is much better.
That's exactly what was proposed regarding street areas:
but I wouldn't
Yes, scouts are tourists, espcially since scout groups are usually just
connected together through a uniform and a book - the local groups are operated
by disparate charity groups, and even local groups have little knowledge of
each other.
The camp I worked at in central California is operated
Am 30.03.2015 um 17:02 schrieb Daniel Koć:
In general area=yes/no is broken. Usually, there should not be a problem
to get the information from the object (type).
With some tags which are valid for closed (area) and unclosed ways we
have problems and the best we can do, is to define one solution
It's about time that renderers started supporting semicolon-delimited lists.
Splitting apart a delimited string is a trivial programming task. I know,
having worked as a programmer for the last 29 years.
On March 28, 2015 11:09:10 PM CDT, Dave Swarthout
> Just a note about using semic
On Mon, 2015-03-30 at 17:05 +0900, johnw wrote:
> camp_site:restaurant=yes
> camp_site:water=yes
> camp_site:space_water=no
> campsite:kitchen=yes
> camp_site:space_bbq=no
John, this model would work fine if the end user was using a interactive
tool where he could say "show me all the camps that c
Am 30.03.2015 um 23:35 schrieb John F. Eldredge:
> It's about time that renderers started supporting semicolon-delimited lists.
> Splitting apart a delimited string is a trivial programming task. I know,
> having worked as a programmer for the last 29 years.
cu fly
Am 29.03.2015 um 11:27 schrieb Bryce Nesbitt:
> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 1:37 AM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What if you do know details .. but not the exact location? Still place a
>> node somewheres?
> How about at that point you go visit the site, and map based on that visit
Volcanos have a life cycle, and while some of them are iconic cones,(Fuji), and
some are shields which are very flat (Vesuvius), most are not. There are
calderas and collapsed old volcanoes and partially destroyed but still active
volcanoes (mt st Helens)
Japan has hundreds of active and and o
>John Willis
>There is no way to say "this is a minor hill". - I'm not talking about
mountaineering definitions and sub-peak prominence, but just that
>rendering order and priority in OSM/carto has no method for saying "this
is a tiny but named hill 25m tall in a city park" and "this is an
W dniu 30.03.2015 22:24, fly napisał(a):
In general area=yes/no is broken. Usually, there should not be a
to get the information from the object (type).
You seem to be talking about interpreting data already in the database
("forest is an area" - of course! =} ), while I'm talking ab
I love the idea. I suggested it. -carto hated it.
They worry so much about vandalism and "verifiability" - but landmark and
"importance" level of local things can only be mapped and verified by local
mappers - mappers are trusted to map so many things, this should be one of
We have ho
I have lifted the scheme originally proposed by Mike to
a proposal page, did not have time for details yet.
Tagging mailing list
Good work Jan. This is something I can use until the extra work is done to
make classifications by amenity level easier.
One small thing in terms of language usage. It isn't correct to say
campgrounds are "opportunistic activities". Campgrounds are a thing, a
noun, while an activity is an action.
It's about time that renderers started supporting semicolon-delimited
lists. Splitting apart a delimited string is a trivial programming task. I
know, having worked as a programmer for the last 29 years.
Speaking as an ex-programmer, I completely agree
PHP, and other languages, actually have
W dniu 31.03.2015 0:47, John Willis napisał(a):
They worry so much about vandalism and "verifiability" - but landmark
and "importance" level of local things can only be mapped and verified
by local mappers - mappers are trusted to map so many things, this
should be one of them.
I don't know th
There have been some comments on people making comments on the voting
stage of a proposal. I think this comes about because of the large
number of proposals with the status 'proposed'. Makes it impossible to
see which proposals are actively being promoted towards the voting stage
in the short t
At a first level approximation, a volcano is a peak. Even on the caldera
rim there's still a high point, and that's the peak.
If you want to map the caldera create a key for that.
If you want to map the volcano extent, good luck. Where's the base of a
mountain? What defines the edge of a volcano
I asked what the OSMAnd developers prefer but have not yet had an
answer. On their forum by the way, works well !
On Tue, 2015-03-31 at 07:11 +0700, Dave Swarthout wrote:
> It's about time that renderers started supporting semicolon-delimited
> lists. Splitting apart a delimited string is
On Tue, 2015-03-31 at 12:22 +1100, Warin wrote:
> There have been some comments on people making comments on the voting
> stage of a proposal. I think this comes about because of the large
> number of proposals with the status 'proposed'.
Indeed. And you suggest a viable solution but I wonder i
On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 2:51 PM, fly wrote:
> Am 30.03.2015 um 23:35 schrieb John F. Eldredge:
> > It's about time that renderers started supporting semicolon-delimited
> lists. Splitting apart a delimited string is a trivial programming task. I
> know, having worked as a programmer for the last
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the comment. I have made the change.
On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 2:04 AM Dave Swarthout
> Good work Jan. This is something I can use until the extra work is done to
> make classifications by amenity level easier.
> One small thing in terms of language usa
Yes, good information. There is much ambiguity in that example if the
tagging is not done carefully and properly.
On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 11:03 AM, Bryce Nesbitt
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 2:51 PM, fly
I have fleshed out the camp_site proposal page a bit.
And added some text in the discussion page identifying the three
decisions that need to be made before the proposal proceeds -
1 -Is this the right model ?
By model, I mean the id
Hi all,
+1 with Bryce and "published" instead of "approved"
+1 with Ole regarding power features
Le 30 mars 2015 19:06, "Bryce Nesbitt" a écrit :
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 2:58 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer <
> dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2015-03-29 13:28 GMT+02:00 Jan van
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