Hallo together.
I would like to ask for any comments and opinions to this proposal
Thank you for your time and
Best Regards
Tagging mailing list
On 09/03/2014 11:26 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Another thing that comes to my mind: maybe we could indeed create this
> catalogue of tens of thousands of business types - who if not us will be
> able to do such a work? This doesn't imply the mapper would have to scroll
> long lists of thousan
Am 18.08.2014 16:04, schrieb fly:
> Hey
> On the English wiki page [1] "comma" is the proposed separator for
> several values of addr:housenumber.
> This contradicts our rule of using "semi-colon" as separator of values
> and I do not have a clue why.
> I propose to deprecate "comma" and u
Yea, there needs to be a better framework for adding shops that are not in the
system is a manner that is consistent, and possibly can work with -carto to
have icons added by users without so much hassle.
Here in japan, they have several different types of fast food, quick
restaurants, and for
been tagging a while in Japan, and a lot of larger infrastructure things -
roads, motorways, train stations, have english names added in parenthesis, such
as for
Tokyo Station [東京駅] :
name=東京 (Tokyo)
There are hundreds of things that care labeled that way, I continued