What is the proper way to tag places that make and sell juice and fruit
smoothies? Examples in the U.S. include Jamba Juice and Orange Julius.
Tagging mailing list
Alexander Jones writes:
> What is the proper way to tag places that make and sell juice and fruit
> smoothies? Examples in the U.S. include Jamba Juice and Orange Julius.
I could call them amenity=cafe cuisine=juice, because they are not so
different from a coffeeshop, except for the liquid ty
>From humble beginnings...
On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Greg Troxel wrote:
> Alexander Jones writes:
> > What is the proper way to tag places that make and sell juice and fruit
> > smoothies? Examples in the U.S. include Jamba Juice a
On 07/mag/2013, at 10:08, Alexander Jones wrote:
> What is the proper way to tag places that make and sell juice and fruit
> smoothies? Examples in the U.S. include Jamba Juice and Orange Julius.
I'd not choose amenity=cafe if they don't sell besides the juice also coffee.
Look how quite
I agree with specifically tagging them as juice bars (amenity=juice_bar).
They also don't all qualify as cafes, since they don't all offer
seating, for example, if they're in a food court, or just a street
vendor with no seating.
- Serge
Tagging ma
On the wiki [1] barrier=entrance is marked as abandoned. Did I miss
something or was this another edit without discussion ?
[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier:entrance
Tagging mailing list
On 08.05.2013 02:56, fly wrote:
> On the wiki [1] barrier=entrance is marked as abandoned. Did I miss
> something or was this another edit without discussion ?
I don't remember a discussion about this.
A problem with the edit is that entrance=* is not limited to the cases
that barrier=entrance co
On 08.05.2013 03:32, Tobias Knerr wrote:
> On 08.05.2013 02:56, fly wrote:
>> On the wiki [1] barrier=entrance is marked as abandoned. Did I miss
>> something or was this another edit without discussion ?
> I don't remember a discussion about this.
> A problem with the edit is that entrance=*
> I do use the two tags in a different way. If it is an entrance leading
> to something (eg. building/amenity) I would use entrance=* but for a
> small opening within a wall/fence I use barrier=entrance. This way I do
> not have to cut the linear barrier.
What's wrong with entrance=* in the se