after a long time we think we finished our proposal concerning
healthcare facilities and close the RFC phase.
So please vote now for this new proposed feature at
The intention is to allow the mappers to model different specia
On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 18:08:26 +0200
Matthias Meißer wrote:
> Hi,
> after a long time we think we finished our proposal concerning
> healthcare facilities and close the RFC phase.
> So please vote now for this new proposed feature at
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Hea
On 31 October 2010 07:44, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:
> healthcare=physician for a generalist doctor is an American concept.
> Physician in UK english is a specific type of consultant.
> Please consider change to healthcare=doctor
They're known as GPs here...
> The english description of healthcare=do
Am 30.10.2010 23:44, schrieb Elizabeth Dodd:
> healthcare=physician for a generalist doctor is an American concept.
> Physician in UK english is a specific type of consultant.
> Please consider change to healthcare=doctor
What about "practitioner" or "medical_practitioner"? The first one is