Voting is closed, blood donation has been accepted with 12 votes for
and 2 votes against. Thanks to all who have voted!
A tag page has been created and is already available in English,
German and Dutch.
Can I add this to the Map Features page under amenity > healthcare?
2015-07-25 13:00 GMT+02:0
Why don't you use the indoor key directly ?
Le 2015-07-30 11:36, Guillermo Amat a écrit :
My group is working on an indoor project and we have the necessity to
indoor beacons inside a building. As we are using OSM, we need a way to
store all the data for any be
When deployed the beacons become part of the building and having their
information public allows any other to make use of them. There is no
problem with that.
2015-07-30 12:29 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :
> sent from a phone
> > Am 30.07.2015 um 11:36 schrieb Guillermo Amat :
sent from a phone
> Am 30.07.2015 um 11:36 schrieb Guillermo Amat :
> As we are using OSM, we need a way to store all the data for any beacon in
> order to position the user and provide navigation.
yes, but you don't have to store them in osm. As you would very likely not want
other user
My group is working on an indoor project and we have the necessity to place
indoor beacons inside a building. As we are using OSM, we need a way to
store all the data for any beacon in order to position the user and provide
Our proposal is based on what we have found for labelin