Re: [swift-corelibs-dev] [swift-dev] Foundation Data Behavior Different (read: crashes) in Swift 3.1 and Swift 3.2

2017-08-25 Thread Ryan Lovelett via swift-corelibs-dev
Understood. Luckily we had a pretty decent test suite that caught this. Thanks for working through that with me Philippe. On Thu, Aug 24, 2017, at 03:35 PM, Philippe Hausler wrote: > This is expected behaviors of collections and their slices. The > previous result was a bug.> > I agree that collec

Re: [swift-corelibs-dev] [swift-dev] Foundation Data Behavior Different (read: crashes) in Swift 3.1 and Swift 3.2

2017-08-24 Thread Ryan Lovelett via swift-corelibs-dev
I think your onto it Philippe but then why is it behaving that way? I updated my earlier script (attached) and added 2 things. 1. print("Start: \(data.startIndex), End: \(data.endIndex), Count: \(data.count)") after the data.removeFirst(4). 2. The startIndex offset you suggested. It no

[swift-corelibs-dev] Foundation Data Behavior Different (read: crashes) in Swift 3.1 and Swift 3.2

2017-08-24 Thread Ryan Lovelett via swift-corelibs-dev
I've found what I believe is a bug. Though I'm unclear if the bug is in Swift 3.1 or Swift 3.2/4.0. All I can say for sure is the behavior is quite drastically different between the two. For the code below (and attached): import Cocoa var data = Data(bytes: [0x50, 0x4B, 0x01, 0x02, 0x41,

Re: [swift-corelibs-dev] libdispatch Arch Linux

2016-08-15 Thread Ryan Lovelett via swift-corelibs-dev
That seems about right. The tests run in a chroot, where the script is root, to ensure that I control dependencies and such. Not sure what I I can do about this test. 🤔 Thanks for the help Dave! On Mon, Aug 15, 2016, at 10:57 AM, David P Grove wrote: > Ryan Lovelett wrote on 08/14/2016 > 05:10:

Re: [swift-corelibs-dev] libdispatch Arch Linux

2016-08-14 Thread Ryan Lovelett via swift-corelibs-dev
three failures: > dispatch_select: > dispatch_io > dispatch_io_net > > most likely occur because you don't have a /usr/share/dict/words file, > which you can get by installing something like the wamerican or > wbritish backage. > > > > > From:Rya

[swift-corelibs-dev] libdispatch Arch Linux

2016-08-13 Thread Ryan Lovelett via swift-corelibs-dev
(I know that this is not 100% expected to work yet. AND I'm working on an unsupported distro... but I thought I'd ask). Trying to build libdispatch on Linux (Arch Linux 4.6.4-1-ARCH). The build seems to go fine up until the tests. At this point there are 3 failing tests (see the attached test-suit

[swift-corelibs-dev] error: reference to 'va_list' is ambiguous

2016-05-04 Thread Ryan Lovelett via swift-corelibs-dev
While compiling foundation on ARM (Raspberry Pi 2) I running into a perplexing issue. When it goes to compile CFString the signature: CFStringRef CFStringCreateWithFormatAndArguments(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFDictionaryRef formatOptions, CFStringRef format, va_list arguments) CF_FORMAT_FUNCTION(3,0

Re: [swift-corelibs-dev] How to compile a single swift file from commandline

2016-05-02 Thread Ryan Lovelett via swift-corelibs-dev
On Sun, May 1, 2016, at 02:32 PM, Rajeev Jeyaraj via swift-corelibs-dev wrote: > Hi everyone, > I am trying to compile a single file in the Foundation, ex: > NSString.swift. > How can I do this from command line, I tried looking online for > documentation and was not able to find it. > > I'm workin