Author: hrs
Date: Mon Sep 13 19:55:40 2010
New Revision: 212579
  Split $ipv6_prefer into $ip6addrctl_policy and $ipv6_activate_all_interfaces.
  The $ip6addrctl_policy is a variable to choose a pre-defined address
  selection policy set by ip6addrctl(8).
  The keyword "ipv4_prefer" sets IPv4-preferred one described in Section 10.3,
  the keyword "ipv6_prefer" sets IPv6-preferred one in Section 2.1 in RFC 3484,
  respectively.  When "AUTO" is specified, it attempts to read
  /etc/ip6addrctl.conf first.  If it is found, it reads and installs it as
  a policy table.  If not, either of the two pre-defined policy tables is
  chosen automatically according to $ipv6_activate_all_interfaces.
  When $ipv6_activate_all_interfaces=NO, interfaces which have no corresponding
  $ifconfig_IF_ipv6 is marked as IFDISABLED for security reason.
  The default values are ip6addrctl_policy=AUTO and
  Discussed with:       ume and bz


Modified: head/UPDATING
--- head/UPDATING       Mon Sep 13 19:53:54 2010        (r212578)
+++ head/UPDATING       Mon Sep 13 19:55:40 2010        (r212579)
@@ -23,6 +23,25 @@ NOTE TO PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT FreeBSD 9.
        ln -s aj /etc/malloc.conf.)
+       The $ipv6_prefer variable in rc.conf(5) has been split into
+       $ip6addrctl_policy and $ipv6_activate_all_interfaces.
+       The $ip6addrctl_policy is a variable to choose a pre-defined
+       address selection policy set by ip6addrctl(8).  A value
+       "ipv4_prefer", "ipv6_prefer" or "AUTO" can be specified.  The
+       default is "AUTO".
+       The $ipv6_activate_all_interfaces specifies whether IFDISABLED
+       flag (see an entry of 20090926) is set on an interface with no
+       corresponding $ifconfig_IF_ipv6 line.  The default is "NO" for
+       security reason.  If you want IPv6 link-local address on all
+       interfaces by default, set this to "YES".
+       The old ipv6_prefer="YES" is equivalent to
+       ipv6_activate_all_interfaces="YES" and
+       ip6addrctl_policy="ipv6_prefer".
        DTrace has grown support for userland tracing. Due to this, DTrace is
        now i386 and amd64 only.
        dtruss(1) is now installed by default on those systems and a new

Modified: head/etc/defaults/rc.conf
--- head/etc/defaults/rc.conf   Mon Sep 13 19:53:54 2010        (r212578)
+++ head/etc/defaults/rc.conf   Mon Sep 13 19:55:40 2010        (r212579)
@@ -446,6 +446,10 @@ icmp_bmcastecho="NO"       # respond to broadc
 ### IPv6 options: ###
 ipv6_network_interfaces="auto" # List of IPv6 network interfaces
                                # (or "auto" or "none").
+ipv6_activate_all_interfaces="NO"      # If NO, interfaces which have no
+                                       # corresponding $ifconfig_IF_ipv6 is
+                                       # marked as IFDISABLED for security
+                                       # reason.
 ipv6_defaultrouter="NO"                # Set to IPv6 default gateway (or NO).
 #ipv6_defaultrouter="2002:c058:6301::" # Use this for 6to4 (RFC 3068)
 ipv6_static_routes=""          # Set to static route list (or leave empty).
@@ -506,7 +510,8 @@ ipv6_ipfilter_rules="/etc/ipf6.rules"       # 
                                        # for examples
 ip6addrctl_enable="YES"        # Set to YES to enable default address selection
 ip6addrctl_verbose="NO"        # Set to YES to enable verbose configuration 
-ipv6_prefer="NO"       # Use IPv6 when both IPv4 and IPv6 can be used
+ip6addrctl_policy="AUTO"       # A pre-defined address selection policy
+                               # (ipv4_prefer, ipv6_prefer, or AUTO)
 ###  System console options  #################################

Modified: head/etc/network.subr
--- head/etc/network.subr       Mon Sep 13 19:53:54 2010        (r212578)
+++ head/etc/network.subr       Mon Sep 13 19:55:40 2010        (r212579)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ ifconfig_up()
-                       if checkyesno ipv6_prefer; then
+                       if checkyesno ipv6_activate_all_interfaces; then

Modified: head/etc/rc.d/ip6addrctl
--- head/etc/rc.d/ip6addrctl    Mon Sep 13 19:53:54 2010        (r212578)
+++ head/etc/rc.d/ip6addrctl    Mon Sep 13 19:55:40 2010        (r212579)
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ extra_commands="status prefer_ipv6 prefe
-set_rcvar_obsolete ipv6_enable ipv6_prefer
+set_rcvar_obsolete ipv6_enable ipv6_activate_all_interfaces
+set_rcvar_obsolete ipv6_prefer ip6addrctl_policy
@@ -53,17 +55,40 @@ ip6addrctl_start()
        afexists inet6 || return 0
        # install the policy of the address selection algorithm.
-       if [ -f /etc/ip6addrctl.conf ]; then
-               ip6addrctl flush >/dev/null 2>&1
-               ip6addrctl install /etc/ip6addrctl.conf
-               checkyesno ip6addrctl_verbose && ip6addrctl
-       else
-               if checkyesno ipv6_prefer; then
-                       ip6addrctl_prefer_ipv6
+       case "${ip6addrctl_policy}" in
+       [Aa][Uu][Tt][Oo])
+               if [ -r "${config_file}" -a -s "${config_file}" ]; then
+                       ip6addrctl flush >/dev/null 2>&1
+                       ip6addrctl install "${config_file}"
+                       checkyesno ip6addrctl_verbose && ip6addrctl
-                       ip6addrctl_prefer_ipv4
+                       if checkyesno ipv6_activate_all_interfaces; then
+                               ip6addrctl_prefer_ipv6
+                       else
+                               ip6addrctl_prefer_ipv4
+                       fi
-       fi
+       ;;
+       ipv4_prefer)
+               ip6addrctl_prefer_ipv4
+       ;;
+       ipv6_prefer)
+               ip6addrctl_prefer_ipv6
+       ;;
+       [Yy][Ee][Ss]|[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Oo][Nn]|1)
+               # Backward compatibility when ipv6_prefer=YES
+               ip6addrctl_prefer_ipv6
+       ;;
+       [Nn][Oo]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee]|[Oo][Ff][Ff]|0)
+               # Backward compatibility when ipv6_prefer=NO
+               ip6addrctl_prefer_ipv4
+       ;;
+       *)
+               warn "\$ip6addrctl_policy is invalid: ${ip6addrctl_policy}. " \
+                   " \"ipv4_prefer\" is used instead."
+               ip6addrctl_prefer_ipv4
+       ;;
+       esac

Modified: head/etc/rc.d/netif
--- head/etc/rc.d/netif Mon Sep 13 19:53:54 2010        (r212578)
+++ head/etc/rc.d/netif Mon Sep 13 19:55:40 2010        (r212579)
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ clonedown_cmd="clone_down"
 extra_commands="cloneup clonedown"
-set_rcvar_obsolete ipv6_enable ipv6_prefer
+set_rcvar_obsolete ipv6_enable ipv6_activate_all_interfaces
+set_rcvar_obsolete ipv6_prefer

Modified: head/share/man/man5/rc.conf.5
--- head/share/man/man5/rc.conf.5       Mon Sep 13 19:53:54 2010        
+++ head/share/man/man5/rc.conf.5       Mon Sep 13 19:55:40 2010        
@@ -1269,41 +1269,49 @@ If the variable is
 is added to all of
 .Va ifconfig_ Ns Ao Ar interface Ac Ns _ipv6
 and the
-.Va ipv6_prefer
+.Va ipv6_activate_all_interfaces
 is defined as
 .Dq Li YES .
 This variable is deprecated.  Use
-.Va ipv6_prefer
+.Va ifconfig_ Ns Ao Ar interface Ac Ns _ipv6
-.Va ifconfig_ Ns Ao Ar interface Ac Ns _ipv6 .
+.Va ipv6_activate_all_interfaces
+if necessary.
 .It Va ipv6_prefer
 .Pq Vt bool
-This variable does the following:
 If the variable is
 .Dq Li YES ,
-the default policy of the source address selection set by
+the default address selection policy table set by
 .Xr ip6addrctl 8
 will be IPv6-preferred.
 If the variable is
 .Dq Li NO ,
-the default policy of the source address selection set by
+the default address selection policy table set by
 .Xr ip6addrctl 8
-will be IPv4-preferred, and all of interfaces which does not have the
+will be IPv4-preferred.
+This variable is deprecated.  Use
+.Va ip6addtctl_policy
+.It Va ipv6_activate_all_interfaces
+If the variable is
+.Dq Li NO ,
+all of interfaces which do not have the corrsponding
 .Va ifconfig_ Ns Ao Ar interface Ac Ns _ipv6
 variable will be marked as
-This means only IPv6 functionality on that interface is completely
-disabled.  For more details of
+for security reason.  This means only IPv6 functionality on that interface
+is completely disabled.  For more details of
 flag and keywords
 .Dq Li inet6 ifdisabled ,
 .Xr ifconfig 8 .
+Default is
+.Dq Li NO .
 .It Va ipv6_privacy
 .Pq Vt bool
 If the variable is
@@ -1316,6 +1324,8 @@ This is the IPv6 equivalent of
 .Va network_interfaces .
 Normally manual configuration of this variable is not needed.
+.It Va ifconfig_ Ns Ao Ar interface Ac Ns _ipv6
+.Pq Vt str
 IPv6 functionality on an interface should be configured by
 .Va ifconfig_ Ns Ao Ar interface Ac Ns _ipv6 ,
 instead of setting ifconfig parameters in
@@ -1354,22 +1364,52 @@ this is the default output interface for
 This works only with ipv6_gateway_enable="NO".
 .It Va ip6addrctl_enable
 .Pq Vt bool
-If set to
-.Dq Li YES ,
-install default address selection policy table
+This variable is to enable configuring default address selection policy table
 .Pq RFC 3484 .
-If a file
+The table can be specified in another variable
+.Va ip6addrctl_policy .
+.Va ip6addrctl_policy
+the following keywords can be specified:
+.Dq Li ipv4_prefer ,
+.Dq Li ipv6_prefer ,
+.Dq Li AUTO .
+.Dq Li ipv4_prefer
+.Dq Li ipv6_prefer
+is specified,
+.Xr ip6addrctl 8
+installs a pre-defined policy table described in Section 2.1
+.Pq IPv6-preferred
+or 10.3
+.Pq IPv4-preferred
+of RFC 3484.
+.Dq Li AUTO
+is specified, it attempts to read a file
 .Pa /etc/ip6addrctl.conf
-is found the
+first.  If this file is found,
 .Xr ip6addrctl 8
-reads and installs it.
-If not, a pre-defined policy table will be installed.
-There are two pre-defined ones; IPv4-preferred and IPv6-preferred.
-If set
-.Va ipv6_prefer
-variable to
+reads and installs it.  If not found, a policy is automatically set
+according to
+.Va ipv6_activate_all_interfaces
+variable; if the variable is set to
+.Dq Li YES
+the IPv6-preferred one is used.  Otherwise IPv4-preferred.
+The default value of
+.Va ip6addrctl_enable
+.Va ip6addrctl_policy
 .Dq Li YES
-the IPv6-preferred one is used. Default is IPv4-preferred.
+.Dq Li AUTO ,
 .It Va cloned_interfaces
 .Pq Vt str
 Set to the list of clonable network interfaces to create on this host.
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