Author: sbruno
Date: Thu Dec 18 04:58:22 2008
New Revision: 186267
  Approved by:    slong (
  Merge and fixups from -current to cleanup fwcontrol
  handling and reporting.
  The following changesets were already merged. I have noted
  the corresponding changeset where the merge by hand occured.
  165628 --> 165820
  170878 --> 170959
  173195 --> 173328
  176810 --> 178718
  These two changes were not propagated back to stable/6 and are
  173196 white space
  173214 dup .Pp sort SEE ALSO
  The following checkins implement:
         fixups for fwcontrol for multiple firewire boards
         add commandline ability to parse multiple arguments
         man page cleanups and usage() display updates
         add NetBSD compatibility in compile

  stable/6/usr.sbin/fwcontrol/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/6/usr.sbin/fwcontrol/fwcontrol.8
--- stable/6/usr.sbin/fwcontrol/fwcontrol.8     Thu Dec 18 04:50:44 2008        
+++ stable/6/usr.sbin/fwcontrol/fwcontrol.8     Thu Dec 18 04:58:22 2008        
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd October 30, 2007
+.Dd September 12, 2008
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ The following options are available:
 .Bl -tag -width indent
 .It Fl u Ar bus_num
 Specify the FireWire bus number to be operated on.
+The default is bus 0.
 .It Fl r
 Initiate bus reset.
 .It Fl t
@@ -81,11 +82,14 @@ Load hex dump file of the configuration 
 .It Fl f Ar node
 Force specified
 .Ar node
-to be the root node on the next bus reset.
+to be the root node on the next bus reset by sending a PHY config packet.
+Valid values are 0 - 63.
 .It Fl g Ar gap_count
+Broadcast new
 .Ar gap_count
-by phy_config packet.
+by sending a PHY_config packet.
+By default this value is 63 on all nodes.
+Valid values are 0 - 63.
 .It Fl i Ar pri_req
 Set the
@@ -98,13 +102,18 @@ or
 mode for the incoming stream.
 Only meaningful in case of and must precede the
 .Fl R
-option. If not specified, the program will try to guess. If you get
-an error complaining about "format 0x20", try to force the "mpeg" mode.
+If not specified, the program will try to guess.
+In case of
+.Dq format 0x20
+error, try to force the
+.Dq mpeg
 .It Fl R Ar filename
 Receive DV or MPEG TS stream and dump it to a file.
-Use Ctrl-C to stop the receiving.
+Use ^C to stop the receiving.
 Some DV cameras seem not to send the stream if a bus manager exists.
-If you cannot get the stream, try the following commands:
+If it is impossible to get the stream, try the following commands:
 .Bd -literal -offset indent
 sysctl hw.firewire.try_bmr=0
 fwcontrol -r
@@ -116,14 +125,17 @@ It can be handled by
 .Nm libdv
 in the
-Ports Collection. Resulting MPEG TS stream can be played and sent over a
+Ports Collection.
+Resulting MPEG TS stream can be played and sent over a
 network using the VideoLAN
 .Nm vlc
-tool in the 
+tool in the
-Ports Collection. The stream can be piped directly to
+Ports Collection.
+The stream can be piped directly to
 .Nm vlc,
 .It Fl S Ar filename
 Send a DV file as isochronous stream.
 .It Fl m Ar EUI64 | hostname
@@ -161,38 +173,38 @@ with
 .Dl "fwcontrol -R file.m2t
-Receive an MPEG TS stream from a camera producing MPEG transport stream.  This
-has been tested with SONY HDR-FX1E camera that produces HD MPEG-2 stream at
-25 Mbps bandwidth.
+Receive an MPEG TS stream from a camera producing MPEG transport stream.
+This has been tested with SONY HDR-FX1E camera that produces HD MPEG-2
+stream at 25 Mbps bandwidth.
-To send the stream from the camera over the network using TCP (which 
supprisingly works better with vlc), you can use
+To send the stream from the camera over the network using TCP (which
+supprisingly works better with vlc), you can use
 .Dl "fwcontrol -R - | nc 9000
 .Nm netcat
 from ports and to receive the stream, use
 .Dl nc -l -p 9000 | vlc -
-To netcast via UDP, you need to use 
-.Nm buffer 
+To netcast via UDP, you need to use
+.Nm buffer
 program from ports, since vlc is not fast enough to read UDP packets from
-buffers and thus it experiences dropouts when run directly. The sending side
-can use
+buffers and thus it experiences dropouts when run directly.
+The sending side can use
 .Dl "fwcontrol -R - | nc 9000
 and to receive the stream, use
 .Dl nc -l -u -p 9000 | buffer -s 10k -b 1000 -m 20m -p 5 | vlc -
 For more information on how to work with
 .Nm vlc
 see its docs.
+.Xr mplayer 1 ,
+.Xr vlc 1 ,
 .Xr firewire 4 ,
 .Xr fwe 4 ,
 .Xr fwip 4 ,
 .Xr fwohci 4 ,
-.Xr sbp 4 ,
-.Xr mplayer 1 ,
-.Xr vlc 1
+.Xr sbp 4

Modified: stable/6/usr.sbin/fwcontrol/fwcontrol.c
--- stable/6/usr.sbin/fwcontrol/fwcontrol.c     Thu Dec 18 04:50:44 2008        
+++ stable/6/usr.sbin/fwcontrol/fwcontrol.c     Thu Dec 18 04:58:22 2008        
@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/malloc.h>
@@ -42,11 +44,22 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
 #include <sys/errno.h>
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
 #include <sys/eui64.h>
 #include <dev/firewire/firewire.h>
 #include <dev/firewire/iec13213.h>
 #include <dev/firewire/fwphyreg.h>
 #include <dev/firewire/iec68113.h>
+#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
+#include "eui64.h"
+#include <dev/ieee1394/firewire.h>
+#include <dev/ieee1394/iec13213.h>
+#include <dev/ieee1394/fwphyreg.h>
+#include <dev/ieee1394/iec68113.h>
+#warning "You need to add support for your OS"
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
@@ -56,6 +69,8 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <string.h>
 #include <sysexits.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
 #include "fwmethods.h"
 static void sysctl_set_int(const char *, int);
@@ -64,25 +79,27 @@ static void
-               "fwcontrol [-u bus_num] [-rt] [-f node] [-g gap_count] "
-                   "[-o node] "
-                   "[-b pri_req] [-c node] [-d node] [-l file] "
-                   "[-R file] [-S file] [-m target]\n"
+               "%s [-u bus_num] [-prt] [-c node] [-d node] [-o node] [-s 
+               "\t  [-l file] [-g gap_count] [-f force_root ] [-b pri_req]\n"
+               "\t  [-M mode] [-R filename] [-S filename] [-m EUI64 | 
                "\t-u: specify bus number\n"
-               "\t-f: broadcast force_root by phy_config packet\n"
-               "\t-g: broadcast gap_count by phy_config packet\n"
-               "\t-o: send link-on packet to the node\n"
-               "\t-s: write RESET_START register on the node\n"
-               "\t-b: set PRIORITY_BUDGET register on all supported nodes\n"
-               "\t-c: read configuration ROM\n"
+               "\t-p: Display current PHY register settings\n"
                "\t-r: bus reset\n"
                "\t-t: read topology map\n"
+               "\t-c: read configuration ROM\n"
                "\t-d: hex dump of configuration ROM\n"
+               "\t-o: send link-on packet to the node\n"
+               "\t-s: write RESET_START register on the node\n"
                "\t-l: load and parse hex dump file of configuration ROM\n"
+               "\t-g: set gap count\n"
+               "\t-f: force root node\n"
+               "\t-b: set PRIORITY_BUDGET register on all supported nodes\n"
+               "\t-M: specify dv or mpeg\n"
                "\t-R: Receive DV or MPEG TS stream\n"
                "\t-S: Send DV stream\n"
-               "\t-m: set fwmem target\n");
-       exit(EX_USAGE);
+               "\t-m: set fwmem target\n"
+               , getprogname() );
+       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 static void
@@ -92,18 +109,14 @@ fweui2eui64(const struct fw_eui64 *fweui
        *(u_int32_t*)&(eui->octet[4]) = htonl(fweui->lo);
-static struct fw_devlstreq *
-get_dev(int fd)
+static void
+get_dev(int fd, struct fw_devlstreq *data)
-       struct fw_devlstreq *data;
-       data = (struct fw_devlstreq *)malloc(sizeof(struct fw_devlstreq));
        if (data == NULL)
-               err(1, "malloc");
+               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: data malloc", __func__);
        if( ioctl(fd, FW_GDEVLST, data) < 0) {
-                               err(1, "ioctl");
+                               err(EX_IOERR, "%s: ioctl", __func__);
-       return data;
 static int
@@ -130,17 +143,25 @@ str2node(int fd, const char *nodestr)
        if (eui64_hostton(nodestr, &eui) != 0 && eui64_aton(nodestr, &eui) != 0)
                return (-1);
-       data = get_dev(fd);
+       data = (struct fw_devlstreq *)malloc(sizeof(struct fw_devlstreq));
+       if (data == NULL)
+               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s: data malloc", __func__);
+       get_dev(fd,data);
        for (i = 0; i < data->info_len; i++) {
                fweui2eui64(&data->dev[i].eui, &tmpeui);
                if (memcmp(&eui, &tmpeui, sizeof(struct eui64)) == 0) {
                        node = data->dev[i].dst;
+                       if (data != NULL)
+                               free(data);
                        goto gotnode;
-       if (i >= data->info_len)
+       if (i >= data->info_len) {
+               if (data != NULL)
+                       free(data);
                return (-1);
+       }
        if (node < 0 || node > 63)
@@ -158,7 +179,10 @@ list_dev(int fd)
        char addr[EUI64_SIZ], hostname[40];
        int i;
-       data = get_dev(fd);
+       data = (struct fw_devlstreq *)malloc(sizeof(struct fw_devlstreq));
+       if (data == NULL)
+               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:data malloc", __func__);
+       get_dev(fd, data);
        printf("%d devices (info_len=%d)\n", data->n, data->info_len);
        printf("node           EUI64          status    hostname\n");
        for (i = 0; i < data->info_len; i++) {
@@ -184,6 +208,8 @@ read_write_quad(int fd, struct fw_eui64 
        u_int32_t *qld, res;
         asyreq = (struct fw_asyreq *)malloc(sizeof(struct fw_asyreq_t) + 16);
+       if (asyreq == NULL)
+               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:asyreq malloc", __func__);
        asyreq->req.len = 16;
 #if 0
        asyreq->req.type = FWASREQNODE;
@@ -206,7 +232,7 @@ read_write_quad(int fd, struct fw_eui64 
                asyreq-> = htonl(data);
        if (ioctl(fd, FW_ASYREQ, asyreq) < 0) {
-                       err(1, "ioctl");
+                       err(EX_IOERR, "%s: ioctl", __func__);
        res = qld[3];
@@ -216,37 +242,56 @@ read_write_quad(int fd, struct fw_eui64 
                return 0;
+ * Send a PHY Config Packet
+ * ieee 1394a-2005
+ *
+ * Message ID   Root ID    R  T   Gap Count
+ * 00(2 bits)   (6 bits)   1  1   (6 bits) 
+ *
+ * if "R" is set, then Root ID will be the next
+ * root node upon the next bus reset.
+ * if "T" is set, then Gap Count will be the
+ * value that all nodes use for their Gap Count
+ * if "R" and "T" are not set, then this message
+ * is either ignored or interpreted as an extended
+ * PHY config Packet as per 1394a-2005
+ */
 static void
 send_phy_config(int fd, int root_node, int gap_count)
         struct fw_asyreq *asyreq;
        asyreq = (struct fw_asyreq *)malloc(sizeof(struct fw_asyreq_t) + 12);
+       if (asyreq == NULL)
+               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:asyreq malloc", __func__);
        asyreq->req.len = 12;
        asyreq->req.type = FWASREQNODE;
        asyreq->pkt.mode.ld[0] = 0;
        asyreq->pkt.mode.ld[1] = 0;
        asyreq->pkt.mode.common.tcode = FWTCODE_PHY;
        if (root_node >= 0)
-               asyreq->pkt.mode.ld[1] |= (root_node & 0x3f) << 24 | 1 << 23;
+               asyreq->pkt.mode.ld[1] |= ((root_node << 24) | (1 << 23));
        if (gap_count >= 0)
-               asyreq->pkt.mode.ld[1] |= 1 << 22 | (gap_count & 0x3f) << 16;
+               asyreq->pkt.mode.ld[1] |= ((1 << 22) | (gap_count << 16));
        asyreq->pkt.mode.ld[2] = ~asyreq->pkt.mode.ld[1];
        printf("send phy_config root_node=%d gap_count=%d\n",
                                                root_node, gap_count);
        if (ioctl(fd, FW_ASYREQ, asyreq) < 0)
-                       err(1, "ioctl");
+                       err(EX_IOERR, "%s: ioctl", __func__);
 static void
-send_link_on(int fd, int node)
+link_on(int fd, int node)
         struct fw_asyreq *asyreq;
        asyreq = (struct fw_asyreq *)malloc(sizeof(struct fw_asyreq_t) + 12);
+       if (asyreq == NULL)
+               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:asyreq malloc", __func__);
        asyreq->req.len = 12;
        asyreq->req.type = FWASREQNODE;
        asyreq->pkt.mode.common.tcode = FWTCODE_PHY;
@@ -254,7 +299,7 @@ send_link_on(int fd, int node)
        asyreq->pkt.mode.ld[2] = ~asyreq->pkt.mode.ld[1];
        if (ioctl(fd, FW_ASYREQ, asyreq) < 0)
-                       err(1, "ioctl");
+                       err(EX_IOERR, "%s: ioctl", __func__);
@@ -264,6 +309,8 @@ reset_start(int fd, int node)
         struct fw_asyreq *asyreq;
        asyreq = (struct fw_asyreq *)malloc(sizeof(struct fw_asyreq_t) + 16);
+       if (asyreq == NULL)
+               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:asyreq malloc", __func__);
        asyreq->req.len = 16;
        asyreq->req.type = FWASREQNODE;
        asyreq->pkt.mode.wreqq.dst = FWLOCALBUS | (node & 0x3f);
@@ -276,7 +323,7 @@ reset_start(int fd, int node)
        asyreq-> = htonl(0x1);
        if (ioctl(fd, FW_ASYREQ, asyreq) < 0)
-                       err(1, "ioctl");
+                       err(EX_IOERR, "%s: ioctl", __func__);
@@ -290,7 +337,10 @@ set_pri_req(int fd, u_int32_t pri_req)
        u_int32_t max, reg, old;
        int i;
-       data = get_dev(fd);
+       data = (struct fw_devlstreq *)malloc(sizeof(struct fw_devlstreq));
+       if (data == NULL)
+               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:data malloc", __func__);
+       get_dev(fd, data);
 #define BUGET_REG 0xf0000218
        for (i = 0; i < data->info_len; i++) {
                devinfo = &data->dev[i];
@@ -344,7 +394,10 @@ get_crom(int fd, int node, void *crom_bu
        int i, error;
        struct fw_devlstreq *data;
-       data = get_dev(fd);
+       data = (struct fw_devlstreq *)malloc(sizeof(struct fw_devlstreq));
+       if (data == NULL)
+               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:data malloc", __func__);
+       get_dev(fd, data);
        for (i = 0; i < data->info_len; i++) {
                if (data->dev[i].dst == node && data->dev[i].eui.lo != 0)
@@ -360,7 +413,7 @@ get_crom(int fd, int node, void *crom_bu
        buf.ptr = crom_buf;
        bzero(crom_buf, len);
        if ((error = ioctl(fd, FW_GCROM, &buf)) < 0) {
-                       err(1, "ioctl");
+                       err(EX_IOERR, "%s: ioctl", __func__);
        return error;
@@ -449,7 +502,7 @@ load_crom(char *filename, u_int32_t *p)
        int len=1024, i;
        if ((file = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
-               err(1, "load_crom");
+         err(1, "load_crom %s", filename);
        for (i = 0; i < len/(4*8); i ++) {
                fscanf(file, DUMP_FORMAT,
                        p, p+1, p+2, p+3, p+4, p+5, p+6, p+7);
@@ -469,9 +522,9 @@ show_topology_map(int fd)
        static const char *speed[] = {"S100", "S200", "S400", "S800"};
        tmap = malloc(sizeof(struct fw_topology_map));
        if (tmap == NULL)
-               return;
+               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:tmap malloc", __func__);
        if (ioctl(fd, FW_GTPMAP, tmap) < 0) {
-                       err(1, "ioctl");
+                       err(EX_IOERR, "%s: ioctl", __func__);
        printf("crc_len: %d generation:%d node_count:%d sid_count:%d\n",
                tmap->crc_len, tmap->generation,
@@ -512,7 +565,7 @@ read_phy_registers(int fd, u_int8_t *buf
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                reg.addr = offset + i;
                if (ioctl(fd, FWOHCI_RDPHYREG, &reg) < 0)
-                               err(1, "ioctl");
+                               err(EX_IOERR, "%s: ioctl", __func__);
                buf[i] = (u_int8_t);
                printf("0x%02x ",;
@@ -527,7 +580,7 @@ read_phy_page(int fd, u_int8_t *buf, int
        reg.addr = 0x7; = ((page & 7) << 5) | (port & 0xf);
        if (ioctl(fd, FWOHCI_WRPHYREG, &reg) < 0)
-                       err(1, "ioctl");
+                       err(EX_IOERR, "%s: ioctl", __func__);
        read_phy_registers(fd, buf, 8, 8);
@@ -590,22 +643,16 @@ dump_phy_registers(int fd)
-static void
-open_dev(int *fd, char *devbase)
+static int
+open_dev(int *fd, char *devname)
-       char name[256];
-       int i;
        if (*fd < 0) {
-               for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-                       snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%d", devbase, i);
-                       if ((*fd = open(name, O_RDWR)) >= 0)
-                               break;
-               }
+               *fd = open(devname, O_RDWR);
                if (*fd < 0)
-                       err(1, "open");
+                       return(-1);
+       return(0);
 static void
@@ -625,25 +672,40 @@ detect_recv_fn(int fd, char ich)
        u_int32_t *ptr;
        struct ciphdr *ciph;
        fwmethod *retfn;
+#define RECV_NUM_PACKET 16
+#define RECV_PACKET_SZ  1024
        bufreq.rx.nchunk = 8;
-       bufreq.rx.npacket = 16;
-       bufreq.rx.psize = 1024;
+       bufreq.rx.npacket = RECV_NUM_PACKET;
+       bufreq.rx.psize = RECV_PACKET_SZ;
        bufreq.tx.nchunk = 0;
        bufreq.tx.npacket = 0;
        bufreq.tx.psize = 0;
        if (ioctl(fd, FW_SSTBUF, &bufreq) < 0)
-               err(1, "ioctl FW_SSTBUF");
+               err(EX_IOERR, "%s: ioctl FW_SSTBUF", __func__);
 = ich & 0x3f;
        isoreq.tag = (ich >> 6) & 3;
        if (ioctl(fd, FW_SRSTREAM, &isoreq) < 0)
-               err(1, "ioctl FW_SRSTREAM");
+               err(EX_IOERR, "%s: ioctl FW_SRSTREAM", __func__);
-       buf = (char *)malloc(1024*16);
-       len = read(fd, buf, 1024*16);
+       buf = (char *)malloc(RECV_NUM_PACKET * RECV_PACKET_SZ);
+       if (buf == NULL)
+               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:buf malloc", __func__);
+       /*
+        * fwdev.c seems to return EIO on error and 
+        * the return value of the last uiomove 
+        * on success.  For now, checking that the 
+        * return is not less than zero should be
+        * sufficient.  fwdev.c::fw_read() should
+        * return the total length read, not the value
+        * of the last uiomove().
+        */
+       len = read(fd, buf, RECV_NUM_PACKET * RECV_PACKET_SZ);
+       if (len < 0)
+               err(EX_IOERR, "%s: error reading from device", __func__);
        ptr = (u_int32_t *) buf;
        ciph = (struct ciphdr *)(ptr + 1);
@@ -666,102 +728,170 @@ detect_recv_fn(int fd, char ich)
 main(int argc, char **argv)
+#define MAX_BOARDS 10
        u_int32_t crom_buf[1024/4];
-       char devbase[1024] = "/dev/fw0";
-       int fd, ch, len=1024;
+       u_int32_t crom_buf_hex[1024/4];
+       char devbase[64];
+       const char *device_string = "/dev/fw";
+       int fd = -1, ch, len=1024;
+       int32_t current_board = 0;
+ /*
+  * If !command_set, then -u will display the nodes for the board.
+  * This emulates the previous behavior when -u is passed by itself
+  */
+       bool command_set = false;
+       bool open_needed = false;
        long tmp;
        struct fw_eui64 eui;
        struct eui64 target;
        fwmethod *recvfn = NULL;
-       fd = -1;
+ * Holders for which functions
+ * to iterate through
+ */
+       bool display_board_only = false;
+       bool display_crom = false;
+       bool send_bus_reset = false;
+       bool display_crom_hex = false;
+       bool load_crom_from_file = false;
+       bool set_fwmem_target = false;
+       bool dump_topology = false;
+       bool dump_phy_reg = false;
+       int32_t priority_budget = -1;
+       int32_t set_root_node = -1;
+       int32_t set_gap_count = -1;
+       int32_t send_link_on = -1;
+       int32_t send_reset_start = -1;
+       char *crom_string = NULL;
+       char *crom_string_hex = NULL;
+       char *recv_data = NULL;
+       char *send_data = NULL;
        if (argc < 2) {
-               open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-               list_dev(fd);
+               for (current_board = 0; current_board < MAX_BOARDS; 
current_board++) {
+                       snprintf(devbase, sizeof(devbase), "%s%d.0", 
device_string, current_board);
+                       if (open_dev(&fd, devbase) < 0) {
+                               if (current_board == 0) {
+                                       usage();
+                                       err(EX_IOERR, "%s: Error opening 
firewire controller #%d %s",
+                                                     __func__, current_board, 
+                               }
+                               return(EIO);
+                       }
+                       list_dev(fd);
+                       close(fd);
+                       fd = -1;
+               }
-       while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "M:f:g:m:o:s:b:prtc:d:l:u:R:S:")) != -1)
+       /*
+       * Parse all command line options, then execute requested operations.
+       */
+       while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "M:f:g:m:o:s:b:prtc:d:l:u:R:S:")) != 
-1) {
                switch(ch) {
                case 'b':
-                       tmp = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
-                       if (tmp < 0 || tmp > (long)0xffffffff)
-                               errx(EX_USAGE, "invalid number: %s", optarg);
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       set_pri_req(fd, tmp);
+                       priority_budget = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
+                       if (priority_budget < 0 || priority_budget > INT32_MAX)
+                               errx(EX_USAGE, "%s: priority_budget out of 
range: %s", __func__, optarg);
+                       command_set = true;
+                       open_needed = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 'c':
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       tmp = str2node(fd, optarg);
-                       get_crom(fd, tmp, crom_buf, len);
-                       show_crom(crom_buf);
+                       crom_string = malloc(strlen(optarg)+1);
+                       if (crom_string == NULL)
+                               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:crom_string malloc", 
+                       if ( (strtol(crom_string, NULL, 0) < 0) || 
strtol(crom_string, NULL, 0) > MAX_BOARDS)
+                               errx(EX_USAGE, "%s:Invalid value for node", 
+                       strcpy(crom_string, optarg);
+                       display_crom = 1;
+                       open_needed = true;
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 'd':
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       tmp = str2node(fd, optarg);
-                       get_crom(fd, tmp, crom_buf, len);
-                       dump_crom(crom_buf);
+                       crom_string_hex = malloc(strlen(optarg)+1);
+                       if (crom_string_hex == NULL)
+                               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:crom_string_hex malloc", 
+                       strcpy(crom_string_hex, optarg);
+                       display_crom_hex = 1;
+                       open_needed = true;
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 'f':
-                       tmp = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       send_phy_config(fd, tmp, -1);
+#define MAX_PHY_CONFIG 0x3f
+                       set_root_node = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
+                       if ( (set_root_node < 0) || (set_root_node > 
+                               errx(EX_USAGE, "%s:set_root_node out of range", 
+                       open_needed = true;
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 'g':
-                       tmp = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       send_phy_config(fd, -1, tmp);
+                       set_gap_count = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
+                       if ( (set_gap_count < 0) || (set_gap_count > 
+                               errx(EX_USAGE, "%s:set_gap_count out of range", 
+                       open_needed = true;
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 'l':
+                       load_crom_from_file = 1;
                        load_crom(optarg, crom_buf);
-                       show_crom(crom_buf);
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 'm':
-                      if (eui64_hostton(optarg, &target) != 0 &&
-                          eui64_aton(optarg, &target) != 0)
-                               errx(EX_USAGE, "invalid target: %s", optarg);
-                       eui.hi = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)&(target.octet[0]));
-                       eui.lo = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)&(target.octet[4]));
-                       sysctl_set_int("hw.firewire.fwmem.eui64_hi", eui.hi);
-                       sysctl_set_int("hw.firewire.fwmem.eui64_lo", eui.lo);
+                       set_fwmem_target = 1;
+                       open_needed = 0;
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
+                       if (eui64_hostton(optarg, &target) != 0 &&
+                           eui64_aton(optarg, &target) != 0)
+                               errx(EX_USAGE, "%s: invalid target: %s", 
__func__, optarg);
                case 'o':
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       tmp = str2node(fd, optarg);
-                       send_link_on(fd, tmp);
+                       send_link_on = str2node(fd, optarg);
+                       if ( (send_link_on < 0) || (send_link_on > 
+                               errx(EX_USAGE, "%s: node out of range: 
%s\n",__func__, optarg);
+                       open_needed = true;
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 'p':
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       dump_phy_registers(fd);
+                       dump_phy_reg = 1;
+                       open_needed = true;
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 'r':
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       if(ioctl(fd, FW_IBUSRST, &tmp) < 0)
-                                       err(1, "ioctl");
+                       send_bus_reset = 1;
+                       open_needed = true;
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 's':
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       tmp = str2node(fd, optarg);
-                       reset_start(fd, tmp);
+                       send_reset_start  = str2node(fd, optarg);
+                       if ( (send_reset_start < 0) || (send_reset_start > 
+                               errx(EX_USAGE, "%s: node out of range: %s\n", 
__func__, optarg);
+                       open_needed = true;
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 't':
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       show_topology_map(fd);
+                       dump_topology = 1;
+                       open_needed = true;
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 'u':
-                       tmp = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
-                       snprintf(devbase, sizeof(devbase), "/dev/fw%ld", tmp);
-                       if (fd > 0) {
-                               close(fd);
-                               fd = -1;
-                       }
-                       if (argc == optind) {
-                               open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                               list_dev(fd);
-                       }
+                       if(!command_set)
+                               display_board_only = true;
+                       current_board = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
+                       open_needed = true;
-#define TAG    (1<<6)
-#define CHANNEL        63
                case 'M':
                        switch (optarg[0]) {
                        case 'm':
@@ -774,22 +904,186 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                                errx(EX_USAGE, "unrecognized method: %s",
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 'R':
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       if (recvfn == NULL) /* guess... */
-                               recvfn = detect_recv_fn(fd, TAG | CHANNEL);
-                       close(fd);
-                       fd = -1;
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       (*recvfn)(fd, optarg, TAG | CHANNEL, -1);
+                       recv_data = malloc(strlen(optarg)+1);
+                       if (recv_data == NULL)
+                               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:recv_data malloc", 
+                       strcpy(recv_data, optarg);
+                       open_needed = false;
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
                case 'S':
-                       open_dev(&fd, devbase);
-                       dvsend(fd, optarg, TAG | CHANNEL, -1);
+                       send_data = malloc(strlen(optarg)+1);
+                       if (send_data == NULL)
+                               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s:send_data malloc", 
+                       strcpy(send_data, optarg);
+                       open_needed = true;
+                       command_set = true;
+                       display_board_only = false;
+               case '?':
+                       warnc(EINVAL, "%s: Unknown command line arguments", 
+                       return 0;
+               }
+       } /* end while */
+       /*
+       * Catch the error case when the user
+       * executes the command with non ''-''
+       * delimited arguments.
+       * Generate the usage() display and exit.
+       */
+       if (!command_set && !display_board_only) {
+               usage();
+               warnc(EINVAL, "%s: Unknown command line arguments", __func__);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       /*
+       * If -u <bus_number> is passed, execute 
+       * command for that card only.
+       *
+       * If -u <bus_number> is not passed, execute
+       * command for card 0 only. 
+       *
+       */
+       if(open_needed){
+               snprintf(devbase, sizeof(devbase), "%s%d.0", device_string, 
+               if (open_dev(&fd, devbase) < 0) {
+                 err(EX_IOERR, "%s: Error opening firewire controller #%d %s", 
__func__, current_board, devbase);
+               }
+       }
+       /*
+        * display the nodes on this board "-u"
+        * only
+        */
+       if (display_board_only)
+               list_dev(fd);
+       /*
+        * dump_phy_reg "-p" 
+        */
+       if (dump_phy_reg)
+               dump_phy_registers(fd);
+       /*
+        * send a BUS_RESET Event "-r"
+        */
+       if (send_bus_reset) {
+               if(ioctl(fd, FW_IBUSRST, &tmp) < 0)
+                               err(EX_IOERR, "%s: Ioctl of bus reset failed 
for %s", __func__, devbase);
+       }
+       /*
+        * Print out the CROM for this node "-c"
+        */
+       if (display_crom) {
+               tmp = str2node(fd, crom_string);
+               get_crom(fd, tmp, crom_buf, len);
+               show_crom(crom_buf);
+               free(crom_string);
+       }
+       /*
+        * Hex Dump the CROM for this node "-d"
+        */
+       if (display_crom_hex) {
+               tmp = str2node(fd, crom_string_hex);
+               get_crom(fd, tmp, crom_buf_hex, len);
+               dump_crom(crom_buf_hex);
+               free(crom_string_hex);
+       }
+       /*
+        * Set Priority Budget to value for this node "-b"
+        */
+       if (priority_budget >= 0)
+               set_pri_req(fd, priority_budget);
+       /*
+        * Explicitly set the root node of this bus to value "-f"
+        */
+       if (set_root_node >= 0)
+               send_phy_config(fd, set_root_node, -1);
+       /*
+        * Set the gap count for this card/bus  "-g"
+        */
+       if (set_gap_count >= 0)
+               send_phy_config(fd, -1, set_gap_count);
+       /*
+        * Load a CROM from a file "-l"
+        */
+       if (load_crom_from_file)
+               show_crom(crom_buf);
+       /*
+        * Set the fwmem target for a node to argument "-m"
+        */
+       if (set_fwmem_target) {
+               eui.hi = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)&(target.octet[0]));
+               eui.lo = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)&(target.octet[4]));
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
+               sysctl_set_int("hw.firewire.fwmem.eui64_hi", eui.hi);
+               sysctl_set_int("hw.firewire.fwmem.eui64_lo", eui.lo);
+#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
+               sysctl_set_int("hw.fwmem.eui64_hi", eui.hi);
+               sysctl_set_int("hw.fwmem.eui64_lo", eui.lo);
+#warning "You need to add support for your OS"
+       }
+       /*
+        * Send a link on to this board/bus "-o"
+        */
+       if (send_link_on >= 0)
+               link_on(fd, send_link_on);
+       /*
+        * Send a reset start to this board/bus "-s"
+        */
+       if (send_reset_start >= 0)
+               reset_start(fd, send_reset_start);
+       /*
+        * Dump the node topology for this board/bus "-t"
+        */
+       if (dump_topology)
+               show_topology_map(fd);
+       /*
+        * Recieve data file from node "-R"
+        */
+#define TAG    (1<<6)
+#define CHANNEL        63
+       if (recv_data != NULL){
+               if (recvfn == NULL) { /* guess... */
+                       recvfn = detect_recv_fn(fd, TAG | CHANNEL);
+                       close(fd);
+               snprintf(devbase, sizeof(devbase), "%s%d.0", device_string, 
+               if (open_dev(&fd, devbase) < 0)
+                 err(EX_IOERR, "%s: Error opening firewire controller #%d %s 
in recv_data\n", __func__, current_board, devbase);
+               (*recvfn)(fd, recv_data, TAG | CHANNEL, -1);
+               free(recv_data);
+       }
+       /*
+        * Send data file to node "-S"
+        */
+       if (send_data != NULL){
+               dvsend(fd, send_data, TAG | CHANNEL, -1);
+               free(send_data);
+       }
+       if (fd > 0) {
+               close(fd);
+               fd = -1;
+       }
        return 0;

Modified: stable/6/usr.sbin/fwcontrol/fwmpegts.c
--- stable/6/usr.sbin/fwcontrol/fwmpegts.c      Thu Dec 18 04:50:44 2008        
+++ stable/6/usr.sbin/fwcontrol/fwmpegts.c      Thu Dec 18 04:58:22 2008        
@@ -52,8 +52,16 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <sysexits.h>
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
 #include <dev/firewire/firewire.h>
 #include <dev/firewire/iec68113.h>
+#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
+#include <dev/ieee1394/firewire.h>
+#include <dev/ieee1394/iec68113.h>
+#warning "You need to add support for your OS"
 #include "fwmethods.h"
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