Re: svn commit: r242849 - head/usr.bin/calendar/calendars

2012-11-11 Thread Marc Balmer
The date of the encounter is not clear at all. Some sources list oct. 27, some oct. 28, and some nov. 10 ( So this should be researched a bit more. ___ mailing list http://li

Re: svn commit: r201477 - head/games/fortune/datfiles

2010-01-08 Thread Marc Balmer
Am 08.01.2010 um 19:43 schrieb Doug Barton: Carlos A. M. dos Santos wrote: 2010/1/8 Doug Barton : Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote: I don't see how the Rumsfeld quote could offend anyone. A) Better safe than sorry B) Regardless of my own opinions I can easily see how someone could be offended b

Re: AW: svn commit: r195200 - in head/usr.sbin: . wake

2009-06-30 Thread Marc Balmer
Am 01.07.2009 um 07:04 schrieb Blapp, Martin: If the concensus is to back it out, I'll back it out. That would be sad. After all there were very positive reactions from folks that actually looked at the tool, the negative replies came from folks that saw some process violated, iirc

Re: AW: svn commit: r195200 - in head/usr.sbin: . wake

2009-06-30 Thread Marc Balmer
Am 01.07.2009 um 07:04 schrieb Blapp, Martin: Hi folks, I really was not my or Marcs intention to skip any discussions. Rwatson told us that if we like to see it in 8.0, we need to approve it by RE and commit it before the 1. of july, and that's what I've done. Sorry if I've upset anyone.

Re: svn commit: r195200 - in head/usr.sbin: . wake

2009-06-30 Thread Marc Balmer
Am 30.06.2009 um 23:43 schrieb Kostik Belousov: On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:34:36PM +0200, Marc Balmer wrote: Am 30.06.2009 um 23:29 schrieb Kostik Belousov: Then, add the wake program to ports. My opinion is that this better be kept in ports. I find it a rather basic operation to be able

Re: svn commit: r195200 - in head/usr.sbin: . wake

2009-06-30 Thread Marc Balmer
Am 30.06.2009 um 23:29 schrieb Kostik Belousov: [...] a compelling argument could be that wake(8) is BSD licensed while wol found in ports/net/wol is GPL licensed and brings in a whole lot of a whole lot of a whole lot of a whole lot of a stuff with it, when actually, to send out Wake on LAN

Re: svn commit: r195200 - in head/usr.sbin: . wake

2009-06-30 Thread Marc Balmer
Am 30.06.2009 um 23:09 schrieb Sam Leffler: Marc Balmer wrote: Am 30.06.2009 um 21:07 schrieb Sam Leffler: Martin Blapp wrote: Author: mbr Date: Tue Jun 30 18:51:22 2009 New Revision: 195200 URL: Log: Add wake, a tool to send Wake on LAN

Re: svn commit: r195200 - in head/usr.sbin: . wake

2009-06-30 Thread Marc Balmer
Am 30.06.2009 um 22:02 schrieb Thomas Backman: On Jun 30, 2009, at 08:51 PM, Martin Blapp wrote: +void +usage(void) +{ + (void)fprintf(stderr, "usage: wake interface lladdr\n"); + exit(0); +} [...] + for (n = 2; n < argc; n++) + if (wake(argv[1], argv[n])) +

Re: svn commit: r195200 - in head/usr.sbin: . wake

2009-06-30 Thread Marc Balmer
Am 30.06.2009 um 22:13 schrieb M. Warner Losh: In message: <> Marc Balmer writes: : : Am 30.06.2009 um 21:36 schrieb M. Warner Losh: : : > wake really is too generic a name for this. Why didn't the wol port : > get

Re: svn commit: r195200 - in head/usr.sbin: . wake

2009-06-30 Thread Marc Balmer
Am 30.06.2009 um 21:07 schrieb Sam Leffler: Martin Blapp wrote: Author: mbr Date: Tue Jun 30 18:51:22 2009 New Revision: 195200 URL: Log: Add wake, a tool to send Wake on LAN frames to hosts on a local Ethernet network Submitted by: Marc

Re: svn commit: r195200 - in head/usr.sbin: . wake

2009-06-30 Thread Marc Balmer
Wake on LAN frames to hosts on a local Ethernet network : : Submitted by: Marc Balmer : Reviewed by:rwatson : Approved by:re : : Musr.sbin/Makefile : Ausr.sbin/wake : AM usr.sbin/wake/wake.c : AM usr.sbin/wake/Makefile : AM usr.sbin/wake/wake.8 : : Adde