3D Sound Labs organizes the first 3D Audio mobile application development
If you have ideas of mobile apps involving Binaural or Higher Order
Ambisonics rendering with headtracking …..
More info on http://www.3dsoundlabs.com/category/challenge/
Kind regards
Hi Stefan,
No it is not only you :-), I thought I was clear that these references are
totally synthetic. We just try to make sure that they are reproducible, they do
sound natural, they are physically-based and they do not rely on any perceptual
spatialization methods themselves (ambisonic, pan
Politis Archontis wrote:
We start by setting up a large dense 3D loudspeaker setup in a fully anechoic
chamber (usually between 25~35 speakers at a distance of ~2.5m), so that there
is no additional room effect at reproduction. Then we decide on the composition
of the sound scene (e.g. band,
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