Thanks for Ronald's idea, reinstalling the drm-61-kmod from ports,
solved my problem.
cd /usr/ports/graphics/drm-61-kmod directory
make all deinstall reinstall
shutdown -r now
And everything works.
(Now, missing the ENCODER lines and the messages about the priority
Instead, VT:
On 11/14/24 04:09, Hans Ottevanger wrote:
On 11/14/24 10:33, Ronald Klop wrote:
Op 12-11-2024 om 19:17 schreef Zahemszky Gábor:
On a Lenovo Thinkpad T470 (with an Intel Core i7-6600U CPU plus an
Intel GPU), I have this problem:
I cannot switch into character based virtual terminals from
Op 12-11-2024 om 19:17 schreef Zahemszky Gábor:
On a Lenovo Thinkpad T470 (with an Intel Core i7-6600U CPU plus an Intel GPU),
I have this problem:
I cannot switch into character based virtual terminals from
the X11 graphical screen. When I press Alt-Ctrl-F[1-7] the
machine "freeze" - it d
On 11/14/24 10:33, Ronald Klop wrote:
Op 12-11-2024 om 19:17 schreef Zahemszky Gábor:
On a Lenovo Thinkpad T470 (with an Intel Core i7-6600U CPU plus an
Intel GPU), I have this problem:
I cannot switch into character based virtual terminals from
the X11 graphical screen. When I press Alt
Zahemszky Gábor writes:
> # kldload gpiospi
> kldload: can't load gpiospi: module already loaded or in kernel
> It's not true: "kldstat -v | fgrep -A 5 gpio" doesn't show it.
> But on the console
> ===
> KLD gpiospi.ko: depends on gpiospi - not available or version mismatch
> ===
> gpios