Doug Hardie writes:
> Local unbound sometimes is local_unbound and sometime local-unbound.
> I found it difficult to remember which form to use and usually had to
> try a couple times to get it right.
It's called local-unbound everywhere except where syntax rules prohibit
the use of a hyphen.
> > > A small annoyance, but I was wondering why "ifconfig -v ix0"
> > > seems to take
> > > a "long time" compared to other 10G nics. e.g.
> > [...]
> >
> > Which version of the ix driver did you load ? The base one or
> > the one from the ports, net/intel-ix-kmod ? I'm not sure
On 9/26/2023 3:28 AM, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
A small annoyance, but I was wondering why "ifconfig -v ix0" seems to
a "long time" compared to other 10G nics. e.g.
Which version of the ix driver did you load ? The base one or
the one from the ports, net/intel-ix-kmod ? I'm
>A small annoyance, but I was wondering why "ifconfig -v ix0" seems to take
> a "long time" compared to other 10G nics. e.g.
I tested it on a system with ix0 (10g copper only).
-v basically queries the i2c bus of the SFP+ slot, and 10g copper only
probably does not have that i2c bus.
On 25 Sep 2023, at 23:12, mike tancsa wrote:
> Hi All,
> A small annoyance, but I was wondering why "ifconfig -v ix0" seems to
> take a "long time" compared to other 10G nics. e.g.
> 0(nfs3b2)# time ifconfig -v ix0
> ix0: flags=8863 metric 0 mtu 1500
> options=4e53fbb
> ether 0c
>A small annoyance, but I was wondering why "ifconfig -v ix0" seems to
> take
> a "long time" compared to other 10G nics. e.g.
Which version of the ix driver did you load ? The base one or
the one from the ports, net/intel-ix-kmod ? I'm not sure is reading t