Re: [squid-users] Using and trusting remote client IP address via upstream proxy

2025-01-10 Thread Amos Jeffries
On 10/01/25 10:33, Orion Poplawski wrote: On 1/9/25 02:03, Stephen Borrill wrote: On 08/01/2025 23:33, Orion Poplawski wrote: You could also try adding forwardedfor = yes in e2guardian.conf along with follow_x_forwarded_for in your squid configuration. I set that in e2guardian.conf and i

Re: [squid-users] Squid url redirector and DoH

2025-01-10 Thread jonathanlee571
I have this hair brained idea to use the media type and get rid of the endless list. Could this work? This lists mime types for doh with rfc 8484 and 8427 so technically could I just create a mime block for DoH and stop creating e

Re: [squid-users] Squid url redirector and DoH

2025-01-10 Thread jonathanlee571
Last email on this Can this be beneficial set all the dns over http to mime types and block them per rfc documents. acl deny_rep_mime_doh rep_mime_type application/dns-message acl deny_rep_mime_doh rep_mime_type text/dns acl deny_rep_mime_doh rep_mime_type application/dns+json http_reply_ac

Re: [squid-users] Squid url redirector and DoH

2025-01-10 Thread jonathanlee571
acl deny_rep_mime_doh rep_mime_type application/dns-message for example would this work? I could get rid of a huge list and save memory if this solves my wackamole problem. I do not see anything on the Squid website but in theory that could resolve it right? -Original Message- From: jon

[squid-users] Squid url redirector and DoH

2025-01-10 Thread Jonathan Lee
Hello fellow Squid users, can you please help? I was wondering about this for years, I have a massive block list with DoH servers. Do you really need to block DoH if you want Squid to use a specific dns? Let’s say you are using a dns over tls, to Google or cloudflare and your system sometimes wa

Re: [squid-users] Cache dir

2025-01-10 Thread Jonathan Lee
Thanks for the reply > What OS are you using? How many CPU cores do you want to dedicate to Squid? > How much memory? I am using FreeBSD variant 4GB ram 2 CPUs pfSense plus Starting CPU 1 (1) FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs cpulist0: on ofwbus0 cpu0: on cpulist0 cpu1: o

Re: [squid-users] Cache dir

2025-01-10 Thread Francesco Chemolli
On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 7:22 AM Jonathan Lee wrote: > > After trying every setting inside of Squid I thought I should ask I have > 4bg ram and 128GB M.2 SSD onboard disk I am using a NVMe secondary Intel > Optane M.2 drive for my cache. What OS are you using? How many CPU cores do you want to d