Hey Rahul,
You can create a customized container like described in the official document
It’s pretty simple and is doable.
You shouldn’t run Squid 5.0.4 since it’s very old and there for would not get
I have a container specification at:
if it’s helping you and others.
It’s a simple forward proxy with RAM cache only.
If you want to use CentOS stream 8 you can modify the Dockerfile a bit and it
should work in a similar way.
Eliezer Croi
We use directives "reply_body_max_size", "request_body_max_size" and
"delay_access" to limit upload, download and passband in our infra.
This configuration existes since a while, but we have noticed that with
squid v4.16, our delay pool didn't react as we wanted anymore. We were
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