Re: [squid-users] Usage of --enable-gnuregex on FreeBSD?

2021-06-16 Thread Olivier W
Hello Amos, Le dim. 13 juin 2021 à 04:02, Amos Jeffries a écrit : > > On 13/06/21 12:37 am, Olivier W wrote: > > Should I ask the FreeBSD port maintainer of Squid to compile with this > > option? > > > > No. That old GNU library is deprecated and will be replaced with > std::regex C++ feature i

Re: [squid-users] Passing Proxy Protocol Headers to external ACL

2021-06-16 Thread Frida Safran
Hi, I see that the configured acl is not called for all requests. I do see that the ecap is called, it sets the option X-PMeta-Splice via visitEachOption correctly, but the classifyRequest note acl is not evaluated, and the request is not spliced. However, I do see that this acl is evaluated for

Re: [squid-users] Passing Proxy Protocol Headers to external ACL

2021-06-16 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 6/16/21 4:15 AM, Frida Safran wrote: > I see that the configured acl is not called for all requests. classifyRequest should be evaluated for all CONNECT requests that get to SslBump step2. That should be all CONNECT requests except for (rare) cases where Squid cannot peek at the TLS ClientHell

Re: [squid-users] Squid ERR_CONNECT_FAIL SYSERR=110

2021-06-16 Thread Garbacik, Joe
I'm running Squid 4.14 with the following custom log format: logformat MyLogFormat ---> local_time="[%tl]" squid_service=%{service}note squid_status=%Ss squid_hierarchy_status=%Sh ** lb_id=%{X-Request-Id}>h *FLOW0* orig_src_ip=%{X-Client-Egress-Ip}>h orig_src_port=%{X-Client-Egress-Port}>h lb_

[squid-users] password

2021-06-16 Thread Garbacik, Joe
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