I have a /22 subnet on a server and sometimes Squid crashes when there are too
many connections. Can someone help me create a script/command to automatically
restart squid if this happens?
squid-users mailing list
On Monday 22 March 2021 at 15:59:37, Angelo Wang wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a /22 subnet on a server and sometimes Squid crashes when there are
> too many connections. Can someone help me create a script/command to
> automatically restart squid if this happens?
I would use http://manpages.ubuntu.co
Hi Angelo,
Squid shouldn't crash with any number of connections.
Anything in the logs?
On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 2:59 PM Angelo Wang wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a /22 subnet on a server and sometimes Squid crashes when there are
> too many connections. Can someone help me create a script/command to
It can crash if the memory is low compared to the number of allowed connections
in the ulimit.
I don’t know the proxy and the setup but there are couple ways to limit
connections per IP if indeed the
proxy is overloaded sometimes by specific users.
Angelo, you should really try to verify why
Hi Team,
Currently am running squid version 4.14 on RPi3.
Trying to cache https responses with cache-control:max-age headers
using ssl bump - peek n splice feature with examples available in this link
:- https://elatov.github.io/2019/01/using-squid-to-proxy-ssl-sites/
But the https cach