Re: [squid-users] Use arp and time acls to control access

2016-05-10 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 10.05.16 12:53, TarotApprentice wrote: I'm trying to restrict internet access of certain devices to certain times of the day. My config looks like: acl devicename1 arp aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ffacl devicename2 arp aa:bb:cc:ff:ee:ddacl usertime time MTWHF 06:30-08:00acl usertime time MTWHF 18:00-22:30

Re: [squid-users] Use arp and time acls to control access

2016-05-10 Thread Amos Jeffries
On 11/05/2016 12:53 a.m., TarotApprentice wrote: > I'm trying to restrict internet access of certain devices to certain > times of the day. My config looks like: acl devicename1 arp > aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ffacl devicename2 arp aa:bb:cc:ff:ee:ddacl usertime > time MTWHF 06:30-08:00acl usertime time MTWHF

[squid-users] Use arp and time acls to control access

2016-05-10 Thread TarotApprentice
I'm trying to restrict internet access of certain devices to certain times of the day. My config looks like: acl devicename1 arp aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ffacl devicename2 arp aa:bb:cc:ff:ee:ddacl usertime time MTWHF 06:30-08:00acl usertime time MTWHF 18:00-22:30 http_access allow devicename1 usertimehttp_