Here is the config I am currently using based on your suggestion earlier.
However it does not start. I have also added some questions to each for
verification purposes to make sure I am understanding what is actually going on.
https_port 4827 intercept ssl-bump generate-host-certificates=on
So what do you recommend to do here ? I just need a simple whitelist file for
both http/https. I have a config that works on 3.4 but would like to upgrade to
3.5 and the current config we have won't cut it. Just need a simple if you are
in this list allow if not deny. No need for any ssl v
There really isn’t anything in there right now since I am testing.
squid-users mailing list
Could you suggest a configuration that you think should be working ? I would
like both HTTP/HTTPS domains whitelisted via file all other domains blocked.
What am I missing ? My assumption here is the acl nobumpSites ssl::server_name
"/etc/squid/git_allowed_domains/allowed_domains” part is not wo
I answered your questions below. However https traffic is still always being
denied even though the site is on the allowed_list via nobumpSites.
I want to control http/https traffic using the “allowed_domains” list. This
current configuration works for HTTP but not HTTPS traffic.
If there is an
So what I am trying to accomplish here is to basically have a whitelist of
domains that is allowed via http/https. If the UID is squid,apache, or root
then basically you will bypass squid and anything is allowed. This was working
well on 3.4.2 however once I moved to 3.5.10 it no longer