On 11/28/2017 02:27 PM, Ivan Larionov wrote:
> Another interesting fact is that I can't reproduce this issue if squid
> has no other traffic except my testing requests. But it's easy to
> reproduce when server has other traffic.
I did not check your logs carefully, but I believe that (when things
Thanks Alex, this is very helpful.
Another interesting fact is that I can't reproduce this issue if squid has
no other traffic except my testing requests. But it's easy to reproduce
when server has other traffic.
The problem is that with other traffic I can't provide the whole log file
with debug
On 11/27/2017 05:19 PM, Ivan Larionov wrote:
> I see retries only when squid config has 2 parents. If I comment out
> everything related to "newproxy" I can't reproduce this behavior anymore.
The posted logs are not detailed enough to confirm or deny that IMO, but
I suspect that you are dealing w
On 27.11.17 11:24, LINGYUN ZHAO wrote:
I need Squid as a real 'transparent' proxy on Fedora without changing 5
tuples. Is it possible?
The setup is simple as Client -- Fedora Server
is fedora NAT device and also running squid?
The Squid version is 3.5.20.The key co
Dear Amos,
I solved my problem by following this :
1 - I used my Mikrotik router as a cache DNS
2 - Both Squid proxy and my client use Mikrotik' DNS
=> It no more take alert form cache.log
Thanks alot :)
Thanks & Best Regards,
Đỗ Hoàng Minh Hưng
Gmail : hoangminh...@gmail.com