Noob here trying to use SPICE from a Mac for a Proxmox VM.
I downloaded and installed RemoteViewer from RemoteViewer-0.5.7-1.dmg. And
setup my Ubuntu VM for SPICE in the Proxmox Console. Then I had to download
the "download" file which I assume is not needed in this case.
RemoteViewer opens wi
On 8/8/20 10:44 PM, D. L. Fuller wrote:
Noob here trying to use SPICE from a Mac for a Proxmox VM.
Note that I do not run Promox VMs nor use a Mac client.
I downloaded and installed RemoteViewer from
RemoteViewer-0.5.7-1.dmg.And setup my Ubuntu VM for SPICE in the Proxmox
Console. Then I