Re: [Spice-devel] spice-vdagent screen resolution auto-adjustment fail

2018-02-04 Thread Dmitriy Kormulev
Hi, Thank you, i will try to do what you suggested. as now i am using dirty hack ( call system( "xrandr ... " ) inside vdagent.c ), which i highly dislike. Best regards, Dmitry От: "Pavel Grunt" Кому: "Dmitriy Kormulev" Копия: "Victor Toso" , &

Re: [Spice-devel] spice-vdagent screen resolution auto-adjustment fail

2018-02-01 Thread Dmitriy Kormulev
still struggle to figure out how to do this. So i thought that you might give me at least minor clue where to dig. Thank you in advance and Best regards, Dmitry - Исходное сообщение - От: "Victor Toso" Кому: "Dmitriy Kormulev" Копия: "spice-devel" Отпр

Re: [Spice-devel] spice-vdagent screen resolution auto-adjustment fail

2018-02-01 Thread Dmitriy Kormulev
hat i seemed to implement it. I will check how it works with several monitors and then write about the result. Best regards Dmitry От: "Pavel Grunt" Кому: "Victor Toso" Копия: "Dmitriy Kormulev" , "spice-devel" Отправленные: Четверг, 1 Февраль

[Spice-devel] spice-vdagent screen resolution auto-adjustment fail

2018-01-29 Thread Dmitriy Kormulev
Hi, Just wonder if there any possible changes to make in spice-vdagent(d) source code ( I am using spice-vdagent 0.14.0 ) to make client's screen auto-resizable. I tried but failed. Would be extremely grateful for any clue. The screen resolution is adjusted only once during - for the first ti