On 09/05/2014 02:00 PM, Gianni Pirozzi wrote:
I tried this patch and observed a great improvement in cursor positioning,
But I'm confused about dynamic resizing of the guest screen, it seems too tied
to the presentation.
I've respun this and sent a v2 that should not tie the re
This version shifts the window resizing code to the front end logic.
Signed-off-by: Jeremy White
cursor.js | 14 ++
display.js |5 ++--
enums.js| 24 -
main.js | 76 +-
I think there actually is the same issue when running within QEMU: sound
is emitted from a QEMU thread:
Is there a bug or someone that is working on that issue? I'd be curious
to see if my patch resolves the problem for them.