On Thu, 2006-07-13 at 21:09 -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
> I've bit my tongue about you for a few years now, out of respect for a
> fellow candidate for the board, a fellow member of it, and out of a
> need to be a force for unity and progress as president.
Right. I've only just joined this organisa
On Tue, November 9, 2010 16:07, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Recently I've been very disturbed to see that some FLOSS conference
> organisers apparently don't think it's their business to see that
> attendees to their events aren't sexually assaulted by other
> attendees. (And the blogospheric victim-blam
On Thu, February 27, 2014 18:37, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> You may ask why SPI hasn't signed up for one of the commercial options.
> Turns out there really isn't a good one. Some examples: purchasing an
> official intermediate CA would be expensive and we're smaller than the
> vendors typically inte